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4.3 stars

Average score of 4 user reviews

For fans of the... genre? 0

Combine something which has great nostalgic value for you, for example recording tunes onto cassette from the radio and making mix tapes, with another thing which is completely unrelated yet also has an overwhelmingly warm place in your heart, say, chocolate covered pretzels (no longer available in most retailers in the UK). Now combine these two things in some sort of unholy alliance. Yes I give you chocolate covered mix tapes! ...Eh? That’s kinda what playing Lone Survivor feels like. The un...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Sudden Death 0

First of all, yes, this game is hard. You die a lot, most of the time this is due to the fact that you're trying to rush through a level to get back to a place you dropped all your souls when you died last and this makes you careless. And careless in the world of Demons Souls means dead.Demons souls is an action RPG with a difference. Your character traverses the levels collecting souls along the way with the ultimate goal of defeating the demon boss at the end of each level. The bad news is tha...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Great Combat! 0

I only picked this up recently, its unfortunate release, almost simultaneous with the highly disappointing FF13 meant that for anyone other then hardcore fans of the genre this title went unseen. A what a shame because this is the far superior game.Explaining why this game is so good is actually quite difficult. The combat system is the standout feature of this game, while I don't think its quite as complicated as some reviews I've seen imply, it has plenty of depth, and requires skill and tacti...

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Better than its reputation 0

Survival horror is a dying genre, for some reason game developers have decided that brain dead (pardon the pun) action can compensate for a lack of depth, atmosphere and emotion (i'm looking at you Resident Evil 5).I'm not saying this game has it all, but it manages to mix survival horror with a decent storyline and a pretty effective atmosphere. There is the feeling that the developers tried to mix too much in - survival horror with transversal puzzles, an interactive inventory system that feel...

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