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Day 10 Of Oblivion 11/26/10

 I woke up earlier than usual to see if I could get a head start on the investigation. The first thing I did was bribe the jailor to get talking to him. Apparently the Count and Countess are bigots and hate Argonians. So I headed down to talk to him when he told me that he stole the ring from Ahdarji and then attempted to ransom it back to the Countess when he learned that it was hers. She was clever though, and tricked him. She ended up with the ring and him in jail. I gave him a lockpick for telling me all of this and then headed straight for a beggar.

The beggars told me that I should talk to the Countess’ Handmaiden, Hlidara Mothril about the ring. I found her and through some clever talking (MONEY!) she told me the Countess’ schedule and what she does with the ring. The ring was on her hand on all times of the day except for when she goes to bed. She also told me about the secret torture chamber… Gross.

I wouldn’t be able to steal it now, however, as it was still noon. I needed some productive way to pass the time. So I spoke to the Count if he needed anything done. I figured that it might be a good idea to get on the Count’s good side before I steal his wife’s precious ring. He asked me to find out why the Orc Mazoga was wandering the halls and what she wanted. I headed over to the Orc and asked her what her deal was. First off, she told me to address her asSir Mazoga. The fetcher. So I asked Sir Mazoga what she wanted. She told me that she needed to talk to Weebam-Na, who is a local hunter. I talked to him and told him to go speak to Mazoga. 

After Mazoga was done talking to him, she demanded that I take her to Fisherman’s Rock. She also told me that there would be no “head-bashing” until after she was done talking to Mogens Wind-Shifter. I said yes, only to make the whiny bitch shut up. I took her there and she spoke to Mogens about some “Ra’vindra’s” death and how she had come to kill him. It broke out into a fight and I was forced to get involved. We killed all of them and she told me how Ra’vindra tried to tell the guards how Mogens’ gang raided a caravan, and how Mogens killed her afterwards. Since then she had sworn a Knight’s Oath to get revenge. 

I headed back to the Count and he offered to make me and Mazoga Knight-Errands if we would complete another task. Before that, however, I needed to steal the ring. I went through the basement and found a secret passageway to the torture chamber. The stench was horrendous, worse than anything I had ever smelt before. There were chunks of flesh all over and blood wherever my eyes turned. Hot tongs laid on a table, ready to be used and chains were as cold as ever. I exited as soon as I could into the Private Chambers.

I made my way past the guard and into the bedroom. I picked the lock on the Countess’ jewelry box and made off with the ring. I exited the same way I came and spent the night at the Three Sister’s Inn. I would give the ring back to Ahdarji in the morning.