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Day 13 Of Oblivion

 My dream came true. I was visited by a voice in the ether, telling me,” Accept my offer my son.” When I woke up a man dressed in a dark robe came to me. I single tear came fell down my cheek. He told me that he was a Speaker for the Dark Brotherhood, and I followed in silence. I was speechless. He told me that Sithis had been waiting for this day since the day I was born from the Night Mother’s Womb. He asked me to kill a man named Rufio to ensure my entrance into the Dark Brotherhood. Rufio spent his days sleeping at the Inn Of Ill Omen. The man who visited me was Lucien Lachance. My savior. He gave me a “virgin blade” and bade me farewell. 

I wasted no time and went directly there. I asked the innkeeper where I could find him. Rufio was apparently spending his days sleeping in the basement. I sneaked down there and found him sleeping on his old bed. I held the virgin blade above his heart and some other-worldly force thrust downwards for me. The next moment he was dead. Lucien said that he would visit me after I slept once again, so I rented a bed from the innkeeper and rested for an hour. Lucien came right away and welcomed me to “The Family”. I have never felt better. He told me to go to the abandoned house near the eastern wall of Cheydinhal. He told me that I would come across a The Black Door and I would be asked a question. The answer to the question was, “Sanguine, my brother.” I did as I was told and left immediately. 

I paid no attention to my surroundings and headed straight for the Door. The question was asked and I entered into my new home. I was greeted by Ocheeva, and she welcomed me by giving me my new armor, as dark as the void. She directed me to Vicente Valtieri as he would give me my “contracts”. I was warmly welcomed by all, except a little kitten who just happened to have some great trinkets. I headed to Vicente and he gave me my first contract. I was to kill the captain of the Marie Elena, a ship docked in the Imperial City. I had walked past the ship plenty of times so I knew how to tackle this challenge.

I got to the Imperial City late at night and smuggled my way on board through one of the crates they were loading. When I was on board I killed two of the pirates talking on the lower decks and then sneaked my way up to the Captain’s Quarters. He was eating dinner in his luxurious quarters when he was rudely interrupted my an arrow to the face. I looted his body and his cabin when I heard a knock on the door. I froze. Two of the pirates were coming into check on him. I looked around frantically for a way out when I saw the balcony that led outside. I ran outside and into Lake Rumare. I then traveled back to the Sanctuary and told Vicente of my success. He congratulated me with a ring called the Black Band and I went to sleep. My first rest back in the cold embrace of the Night Mother.