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Day 17 Of Oblivion 12/3/10

 I woke up this morning and headed to the Chapel Undercroft to “resurrect” Francois. I sneaked down to his body (which was yet to be placed into his sarcophagus) and used the antidote that would “revive” him. He instantly “woke up” and told me something I did not want to hear. He said that his ancestors resided in the Undercroft and that they would find his “resurrection” a desecration. Oh also, the Undercroft is cursed. They rose as zambies, but being an adept at sneaking, it was easy enough to get past them. I took Francois to the Gray Mare and here he thanked me and bade me farewell.

I took me a while to get back to Cheydinhal, but when I did I was promoted. Not only did Vicente promote me and give me my bonus, he asked me if I would accept his “Dark Gift”. I said no. I do not want to be a hunter of the night ever. Well, at least right now…

He also told me that I would now report to Ocheeva for all of my contracts. I asked her what my next contract would be. My next contract was to find and kill a High-Elf named Faelian. He was in the Imperial City, but I had no other leads. I headed back down to the Imperial City to start my investigation. The first place I went to was the Tiber Septim Hotel, not for my investigation, but because I was going to stay the night here. It just so happened that Faelin stays here with his girlfriend. It was late and I figured I would ask her tomorrow.