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Warp The Form - Launch!

Hey all-

A quick back story... I do art for a studio up here making children's games, but also am an artist and partial owner of Warp the Form.

Warp the Form is a bunch of us designers making more edgy games primarily for the iPhone at the moment, as well as publishing other digitally distributed and mobile software. (if you have something in need of publishing, we may be able to help!)

The projected release of our first application is soon, very soon. We look forward to hearing what you guys think! 

Until then, bookmark the site and keep an eye out. Hopefully aside from the normal business stuff we can have some entertaining things on there and possible give-aways for games!

-Joshua Neff

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Almost a year after joining the site...

It's getting close to a year on here (a couple months away still) and holy cow a lot has changed.  Busy as hell... traveling a lot, making games, working in a studio up here... all that good stuff.


Well... it's been busy!  First big news is that I'll be at GDC Austin in a couple weeks representing the school.  If you happen to go and see me around, come say hi and that you saw this blog entry.  So far, I think the plans look like I'll be spending a decent amount of time during the conference at the booth, then the rest of it out and about.  I rarely sleep, so I'm looking forward to a bit of nightlife down there as well.

With the GDC news aside, what's left... well games and more games!   Have a laundry list of portable games to finish... but almost done with Crisis Core...

On the list of games I've recently played/beaten/points...

Geometry Wars 2- Not so great at it,  but eh, it's a fun game.  I enjoy it

Braid- Beat it, got all the puzzle pieces... not overly long but a really amazing game.

- Fineally beat it and got a decent amount of points.  It was a refreshing change from the normal 360 games

Battlefield: Bad Company
- Really great online, and the story had some awesome parts, however I felt it got a bit old at the end... the collection biz-nass really retracted from the overall experience.

Dark Sector
- Picked it up after the price drop, and a bit over halfway through I think.  So far, I can see some flaws but I'm having a LOT of fun with it.  Really surprised and impressed.


...and here we go!


I'm going to do my best to keep this profile fairly logical and mature.  However, the logical side my fall apart as all I can currently think about is how much I want a glass of cherry Kool Aid.  Am I a big Kool Aid drinker- no, not usually.  However, I am somewhat of a video game geek.  See? Fact.

So I play a lot of video games. Well hey, I bet you do too!  After all, that's why we are here.  I also have a feeling that Jeff smells very clean, and would vote on a monster truck beating a Russian tank any day of the weak.   And any clean-smelling dudes wishing for it to rain beef jerky are dudes I should be around.  We get it Joshua... we get it... you're a video game playing wack-job... but WHO ELSE are you...

I am a student who is making video games. 

Years back when buying a PS2 was an impossible feat, I was in school for psychology.  Some years flew by, some junk happened, and I was in the real world as a body modification artist.  I had no desire to do anything with psychology, and video games consumed my free time.  I made the choice to leave an unstable field to go back to school... for games.  Not exactly "games" but focusing on 3d art and animation with the intention of working in the industry doing that.  I've been an artist all my life, so this was just a new medium.  My 4.0 stuck around as I got into programming as well as artistic aspects of game development.  I did some work, took some classes, and before long found out that team management was something I excel at and enjoy. 

So what happens now?  Well I continue to ride motorcycles, have fun playing vocalist in a metal band, and balance out that whole tough guy thing by being an enormous video game geek.  I'll keep making catchy fun games on my own, and in a year or two be posted up in a studio making things happen.