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...and here we go!


I'm going to do my best to keep this profile fairly logical and mature.  However, the logical side my fall apart as all I can currently think about is how much I want a glass of cherry Kool Aid.  Am I a big Kool Aid drinker- no, not usually.  However, I am somewhat of a video game geek.  See? Fact.

So I play a lot of video games. Well hey, I bet you do too!  After all, that's why we are here.  I also have a feeling that Jeff smells very clean, and would vote on a monster truck beating a Russian tank any day of the weak.   And any clean-smelling dudes wishing for it to rain beef jerky are dudes I should be around.  We get it Joshua... we get it... you're a video game playing wack-job... but WHO ELSE are you...

I am a student who is making video games. 

Years back when buying a PS2 was an impossible feat, I was in school for psychology.  Some years flew by, some junk happened, and I was in the real world as a body modification artist.  I had no desire to do anything with psychology, and video games consumed my free time.  I made the choice to leave an unstable field to go back to school... for games.  Not exactly "games" but focusing on 3d art and animation with the intention of working in the industry doing that.  I've been an artist all my life, so this was just a new medium.  My 4.0 stuck around as I got into programming as well as artistic aspects of game development.  I did some work, took some classes, and before long found out that team management was something I excel at and enjoy. 

So what happens now?  Well I continue to ride motorcycles, have fun playing vocalist in a metal band, and balance out that whole tough guy thing by being an enormous video game geek.  I'll keep making catchy fun games on my own, and in a year or two be posted up in a studio making things happen.