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@stinger061: In terms of high fantasy I honestly think the Japanese do it best. I would love to see a Japanese developers take on the world of Fallout too, or a similarly themed American 50s post apocalypse.

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#2  Edited By JugoSanto

@extintor: Although I greatly appreciate your unsolicited creative writing criticism, I wasn't writing the great american novel, I was opening a forum topic on a video game website.

If I could delve a little deeper into my interest for Fallout I'd say that it hinges specifically on the tragedy of 50s era American utopianism that followed World War II. There's a haunting quality in creating a universe where the world ended in the fifties and all that's left is a nuclear wasteland littered with the utopian propaganda of that era. I think there's power in that because the revolutionary thoughts of the sixties that were in opposition to the naivety of the fifties were a dead end in themselves. The revolutions of the sixties have given us the wasteland of hopelessness in which we live today, and so to look back at the fifties where there once was a different world that had hope for the future and complete confidence in the direction it was going is to see a tragic figure in the lead up to its demise. If I could sum it up in one line, you take up the mantle of hopeful 50s wanderer nostalgia cowboy in the fight against the nihilistic 60s/70s hippie/punk raiders and 90s/00s demonic mutants to restore some of the goodness of the past.

You can't find that subtext in The Elder Scrolls.

Edit: I just watched the launch trailer and there's even this line spoken to the hero (I presume), "you're a man out of time but all's not lost." and trailer comes to a close with a shot of a tattered banner that reads "Celebrate History".

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I just get the sense that The Elder Scrolls is paint by the numbers generic medieval fantasy tropes while Fallout has some real life and character there that you can't find anywhere else. Maybe it's just me.

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#4  Edited By JugoSanto

Is it just me or does anyone else enjoy the Fallout series but finds themselves completely indifferent to The Elder Scrolls? I think it's the alternate take on very world history in Fallout as opposed to the generic dungeons and dragons inspiration of The Elder Scrolls that does it for me. I did enjoy walking around and getting in fights in Skyrim but whenever any sort of lore or story came out of anyone's mouth, I hoped it would be over soon. It also makes me wonder how the teams at Bethesda feel about the two properties. I feel like there might be a lot more love for the Fallout universe.

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