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GOTY 2013

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  • Last year Far Cry 3 was my GOTY because it was the game I had the most fun with. Somehow Blood Dragon outdid that. It is a game that is so fun and stupid in the same breath that I fell in love with it from the very start.

  • Who does want to be a pirate and sail the open seas, raining terror on any who stray into your path. Black Flag gave me that feeling when your playing pirates when you were a kid, and that is something special.

  • The first GTA game that I didn't just go around being a psychopath of GTA 4, partly because it was the first game that tried to tell a story. GTA 5 bridges the gap between the insanity of the older games with the storytelling of 4, and that is due in no small part to Trevor. A mad man that gave you license to be that psychopath and somehow was incredibly charismatic.

  • Over the last few months I have seen people changing their tone of Infinite, so before I made this list I felt like I had to go back and replay it. For me it is still a blast. It's not a perfect game but it was still fun and the narrative is something I wont forget for a long time.

  • GB community I have a confession. I never played a Link to the past, but after playing A link between Worlds I understand why people love it so much.

  • Saints Row 3 was a piece of art, and I was worried that it was just lightning in a bottle and Violation wouldn't be able to match SR3. That was a feat that I don't think is possible but what they made was still insane and a blast to play.

  • I wasn't sure what I was getting into with Gone Home but by the time put it down, I had been emotionally moved with a heartfelt story, that wouldn't have been as nearly as powerful if it were done in any other medium.

  • All of my friends picked up Payday 2 at the same time. What followed was 3 weeks of robbing, shooting, and cursing: lots and lots of cursing.

  • My favorite horror movie is Cabin in the Woods, and The Stanley Parable is the video game version of that. It takes all the tropes we know in modern video game design, Adventure Line I am looking at you, and putting them in great context. All of it backed up by some of the funniest writing I have heard all year,