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Getting my wife into gaming

I would imagine it is every gamers dream that your significant half would be a gamer as well. My ex-girlfriend used to be such. She was (and probably still is) into Sims and WoW. And even to some stranger titles such Baldurs Gate, Bloodrayne and that Playboy Mansion sim. The relationship had some other issues which I wont go into. 
I've gotten married to a non-gamer since that and could not be happier. Well could, if she would be bit more interested in gaming of course. Somehow I think I've managed that now.

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We have a friends couple who live in same village as we do. Occasionally when we've gone to their place for a dinner, we played some Wii afterwards. Games such as Wii Sports and Mario Kart. Even my non-gamer wife has been into it. 
I happen to collect video games and consoles but didn't get Wii before earlier this year only. Mainly because of not enough good titles and so on... Anyway seeing how interested she was in the Wii I got us one, with the Balance Board as well. My wife is really active. She does good deal of running and long walks. In country like Scotland were we live atm this is not always possible thanks to the (not-so) lovely weather. Wii Fit +is ideal for her because she can do her exercises and yoga stuff when weather is nasty. This means that even though I might not touch Wii for weeks she gets good use of it at least 2-3 times a week.

Recently there has been a interesting development in her gaming career. I am big fan of rhythm games
For a failed musician like me it is the next best thing. I've tried to to get her into it as well couple of times but she just found it too hectic. Then just suddenly few weeks back when I got her to assist me on some of those achievos! She got hooked. After mere hour she was jamming the medium level bass on Blackhole Sun from the first Rock Band. And also admitted that the medium level was so much more fun to play than the easy level. And that she finally got the feel of "playing" her favorite songs. I wont ever expect her to become more gamer than a casual gamer using motion controls or rhythm game type. For few hours in a week she understands my gaming obsession and can enjoy gaming the same way as I can. Can't really ask more than that?