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Mafia 2 - How to avoid being spoiled and disappointed

No Spoilers here. Thought I write my view on the Mafia 2 hype exprience before actually getting the game. For me the first Mafia is my all time favourite games. Especially the story was really good. And I still remember the ending clearly, like I've just played the game. Anyone who played the game knows that it wasn't a perfect game. Janky controls and uber annoying police to name few. Not that game needs to be perfect it to be good or to belong to a favourite games list. Anyway fast forward to Mafia 2

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I preordered the game as soon as the release date was revealed. Getting bit too old for getting too hyped about games now a days, but I can still say that I am looking forward to Mafia 2. The game was released in the NA three days earlier than in Europe and that was the same day when the embargo for reviews was lifted. I did skimp Brad's review of the game and as a Mafia game I fan I was bit dissapointed. Gameguru had a small news collating some of the major reviews as well. All and all the game seemed to get bit mediocre reviews. I did check Mafia 2 QL quickly but just two minutes because didn't want to get anything spoiled so stopped it, same happened with a last at1UP podcast when they started talking about Mafia 2. Strange thing here is that I am avoiding any details about the game that might get story ruined for me, but same time I am thinking about cancelling the pre-order because of the mediocre reviews?? Can't let story to spoiled but the review scores make me (think about) cancel the pre-order? In the end I want to experience the game myself. And write a own review about it anyway. Well I can't cancel the pre-order anymore since has dispathed the game allready, the same day embargo was lifted. Usually they dispatch the games two days before, but now three days.(?) Actually I am glad they did because that reminded that I need to stick to my guns regarding spoilers. And reviews.