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Vigorous exercise with Wii Fit??

Right, so I have this non-gamer friend who owns a Nintendo Wii. He falls to the stereo-type of the most common Wii owner-type. He has even mentioned that Kinetict is something he is interested in. Because it is a new gadget and for his excercises he doesn't have to use restricting controllers. He even went bough a wireless nunchuk for his Wii so that he can exercise easier. Exercise video games, now there is a funny concepts. Don't get me wrong I do agree that any kind of exercise is better than sitting at your couch all evening. Strangely somewhere this so jumping in "front" of the couch has becoming a vial method exercising. I have really close look on this since my wife uses her Wii Fit+ almost daily for yoga and simple exercises. She only does this because the weather is not nice enough to go for walk or run every day. Yau Scotland! She knows that is not the same thing, but then again she has a need to exercise every day. 

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 Human body is interesting in sense that if you keep on doing the same thing all over again it will become easy, no matter what it is. Even running in front of telly will get easy and after a while wont make much difference. For my friend who wants to loose weight this is still not enough. He probably wont ever get to that level where his Wii or Kinetict (when the sod gets it) is not enough anymore. Saddest part is that he doesn't even understand this. You can pretend-run as much you want to chubby, but if you don't change your diet and your attitude it wont make much of difference. If one would manage to keep it consistent enough for it to have some benefit the plateu will be met and he needs to add more resistance and intensitivy. These funny toys wont even allow you to go all out. In fact it is not even possible in game like Wii Fit+ to adjust your sets/repetions. They would probably get sued to hell my some fat bastard who got a "sports injury".

In general I guess I am against such fitness toys. Allthough I did dish out Wii and the board for myself and wife earlier this year. There should be two means for the such games to begin with IMO. To use it as complimentary extra training, such as stretching and yoga. Second being a platform to get one more active or mean of rehabilation training. Not the main mean of exercise. Get a stationary bike if you don't want to leave the house ffs! 

 Arnie knows it
 Arnie knows it

 I offered my friend some free personal trainer sessions at my gym, but that wasn't really inviting compared to comfort of his home. Not to mention the real weights would have killed that lazy bum. Funny thing is that my friend can't do exercise now because he hurt his back while doing a vigorous routine, in front of his tv. Huh?