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My dilemma....

So I have this damn problem right now. Many of you may know it, debt. Now I am very proud of my credit and what all these cards have got me(i.e my brand new tv, sound system). But right now I am trying to get a new car, to be more specific a Scion tC. The problem is the payment and insurance is higher then my truck by 100 dollars. Now by getting out of my truck I do save 160 dollars in gas a month but that is only 20 dollars less in bills a month. So now that I have Soul Calibur IV to keep me busy I figure I can start getting rid of some of these cards. If I get rid of 2 I should be better off(Oh yeah I currently have 5). I am currently sitting at 8,100 in debt including my truck, which is going up for sale next week. So I kinda wrote this just to vent and get this off my chest.