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Average score of 3 user reviews

XCOM: Enemy Unknown 0

I personally never played the original XCOM, so all I knew heading into Enemy Unknown was that whatever I was in for, was going to be pretty hard, and there would be aliens. I was not let down in either category, the aliens have a very X-Files little gray men feel that contrasts the super-military styling of the XCOM troopers rather nicely. There isn't much of a story in Enemy Unknown, but the premise is strong enough to serve its purpose. Aliens have invaded, and you are the commander of a mult...

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Hell Yeah! 0

Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit is a rather odd game. You take control of Ash, the king of hell who has been publicly embarrassed by leaked pictures of him with his rubber ducks on the hell-internet. Only 100 other monsters had seen the images leaked onto the net, and Ash decides to take revenge by killing everyone who's seen the pictures. The game is an unique mix of a 2d platformer, dual stick shooter, and a mini game collection.At the start of the game, your octopus butler (who has part o...

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It's pretty good 0

I came in to this latest installment in the ever popular Assassin’s Creed series with some pretty high expectations. And for the most part they were all met. I'm a pretty big fan for the older games in the series, so I was pretty hyped to play 3.Assassin’s Creed 3 picks up Desmond's story after the events of Revelations, and there is a nice recap of the story so far at the top of the game, if you missed a game or two like me, but several characters that were introduced in Revelations were new to...

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