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Empire's Greatest Video Game Characters

 I'm always quite fearful of these so called "lists", 'cause they usually tend to turn out being more "popularity-based" than anything else, but this is actually quite a balanced one.

Of course I'd change a few things and place some heroes in higher positions (Solid Snake and Duke Nukem, among others) while ranking others a bit down (Lara Croft and Master Chief, for example). Also, I'd definitely add Commander Shepard (Mass Effect), Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell), JC Denton (Deus Ex) and Kurt Hectic (MDK) to the list, but all in all I mostly agree with it.

Kudos to The Nameless One and to Guybrush Threepwood for being in well deserved places and also a special mention to the one who is, in my opinion, the greatest villain of all times-- Shodan!

Finally, guess who's number one over Mario again? In the ONE FREE MAN we trust, hehe