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#1  Edited By KirkGently

Does anyone know what is actually happening for yearly subscribers as of April 15th? I mean most of our subscriptions are up in september, MANY months from April. So does that mean we are all gonna get these "Total Access" memberships to gamespot?

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#2  Edited By KirkGently

Sorry guys, one more:

Faith No More - Midlife Crisis
Album: Angel Dust

"You're perfect, yes, its true
But without me you're only you
Your menstruating heart
It ain't bleeding enough for two"

Its a shame this song is called midlife crisis, as I don't think I have heard anything else that sums up my feelings toward certain people so exactly.... Blah.
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#3  Edited By KirkGently

This song got me through a pretty bitter break up:

Bob Dylan - Idiot Wind 

" Idiot wind blowing every time you move your mouth
Blowing down the backroads heading south
Idiot wind blowing every time you move your teeth
You're an idiot babe
Its a wonder you still know how to breathe"

I was never really a Dylan fan and I'm still not his biggest supporter but the album this came from (Blood On The Tracks) is up there on a list of greatest albums of all time. 
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#4  Edited By KirkGently

Personally I fuckin' hate what it happening at giant bomb. I purchased a yearly membership, but as it stands; It was the filthiest fuckin' purchase I have ever made. I know, it's pathetic that I so wanted access to the podcast early that I shelled out 50 bucks. What can I say? I am a creature of habit. 
As some other people have pointed out the whole idea of this subscription is completely hypocritical as what was set out to be done in the beginning is quickly disappearing into the mist. But what REALLY bugs me about this whole situation is the changing attitudes at the Whisky Offices (Mainly Giant Bomb.) In the beginning the whole crew seemed to genuinely give a shit about every one in the community and truly seemed thankful for the huge support we had all given them, now however there is consistently an air of condescension towards the entire community. For instance: The recent mail bag videos, these have always seemed to me completely ludicrous because people seem to be spending absurd amounts of money on shit, both on the stuff it's self and on the shipping, they now look at the stuff show it to the camera and essentially toss it aside. I feel especially bad for the people who recently physically dropped stuff off to them as on camera, Ryan and Brad made them seem like creepy pieces of shit. Seriously?? Fuck you. What other site has a community that would make the time and effort to do shit this wacky? 
Anyway, fuck you guys, I am sticking around but I am fuming. You've really got me by the balls; you provide the best game coverage, but you are now clearly raping your fan base.     

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#5  Edited By KirkGently

I once farted in a jar and kept it for a week 

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