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#1  Edited By kojip

You set a variety of traps (one that 'springs' to mind is a spring loaded spike trap).   
The main protagonist was female.   
 I think there was a square grid. 
You were given a setup period and then you would watch stuff happen but would still run around during this time, possibly triggering traps manually. 
You would unlock more traps as you progressed through the game. 
Some sort of evil knight was a bad guy type. 
It looked like it happened in one giant castle.
I think it was PS1 because it was around the same time that I had to buy PS1 Diablo because I kept it for 2 months from a rental place. 


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#2  Edited By kojip
After playing the game myself and realizing GB was just not showing us spoilers, your post just sounds handicapped.  I was going to say retarded but god forbid the PC police come after me.
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#3  Edited By kojip

For the sake of the darkside, I'm going to argue that the PC is the 21st century muscle car... it's one of the best at what it does, even though it's noisy and inneficient, and there's only a select few willing to take the money and time to assemble a remotely competetive car.  In the mean time you can all rock on in premade German cars or modified Honda lawnmower sound-alikes that get the job done for much less.  We can be part of a dying breed and/or one of many hobbyists who get lumped with rip-off artists and pirates or join the masses of faithful BMW and Audi buyers actually enjoying their cars without taking much if any shit from hobbyists or environmentalists.   
If you didn't understand the metaphor than piss off, I don't have time for you. 

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#4  Edited By kojip
You're right.  But I'm gonna stand by my man (who in this case is a previous post).  So, in due time I will have 15 posts and will have the right to discuss necrophilia freely.  I hope with time we'll all be able to share equal rights and liberated speech.  PM me if you want to discuss necrophilia further. 
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#5  Edited By kojip
@ahriman22 said:
"Murder as many people as I can. "

I'm with this guy.  Except I'd rape the corpses.
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#6  Edited By kojip
Thanks for the Alient Assault tip. 
We can both keep hoping for the return of the golden age OP, but I think it's going to keep getting worse until you can effectively use your PC on your TV (we're almost there) and until midrange videocards stop costing as much as a PS3. 
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#7  Edited By kojip

My opinion, if you're either going to buy a new 360 or PS3, go ahead and get the PS3.  That way you get both.  Personally, I bought both at launch and loved my 360 to death.  However, now the 360 is in the bedroom and PS3 owns the living room.  Most of my Gamefly rentals end up on the PS3.  I'm not a fanboy of either, both have their faults, but the PS3 won the living room due to Blue-ray and a respectable array of games that are available for both and some that are PS3 only.  I also bought a 360 version of GTA4, rented a PS3 version, and found the PS3 version highly superior (I know, dumb argument what with the exclusive 360 content).  
What I'm trying to say is that if your choice is having both or just an updated Xbox, I'd take both.   
Alternatively, buy a Wii and find out why everyone hates it so much.
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#8  Edited By kojip

Maybe I'm totally up the wrong tree here but I think this is a very Final Fantasy-ish issue.  You either love it or you hate it.  JRPG's suck or they're the perfect thing for that stretch of time in your life (or they really draw you in personally... never happened to me but I understand that's the thing for some people).  It's a niche game.  If you really wanted someone to reaffirm your love for metal with a solid short game with great humor and entertainment value, but you didn't want  a serious game you or your girlfriend were going to get sick of due the the constant sound of gunfire in the household (we've heard enough) then you will absolutely love it.  Brutal Legend is a personal choice.   
I applaud the OP for voicing his opinion though I disagree.  These are internet bulletins after-all.  As far as I've read nobody has declared anybody else outright wrong (or at least been mild about it by internet standards).  These are opinions.  If they weren't we'd all have our own review sites and we could trash games all we want. 
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#9  Edited By kojip

I found that even though it fell flat after about 4 hours, me and my GF sat around, listened to metal, and drove around machine-gunning wildlife.  It brought us both right back to highschool and kept us both pretty entertained no matter who was playing the actual game.   
The game has its faults bit it makes for such a fun bring-back-your-childhood environment that it's hard to hate.  I understand that's going to depend entirely on the person so if you're under 25 you may not like it very much.  This was very much an adult game and not because of the content... 
Sat around playing and reminiscing on our last Manowar concert for a while... very cool for a videogame to do that.
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#10  Edited By kojip

I hate my Wii.  It's so bad that my girlfriend thinks the graphics look crappy even for Mario (and her favorite game is FIFA 2003).
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