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Five Cancelled Games I Wish Were Not

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Games getting cancelled, or indefinitely postponed is never exciting, especially when the game in question is a sequel to a franchise you want to see more of.

Before I get started, and for the record, Half Life 3 has not been formerly announced, but Half Life 2 Episode 3 has, and it is nowhere to bee seen. Prey 2 has been indefinitely postponed. The Last Guardian is in dire trouble. Nothing of that game, Brothers in Arms, or Ryse was seen at this year’s E3. Where is Sony’s Agent? Where is Beyond Good and Evil 2? Some of these games are rumored to be next generation now, while others, like Prey 2 and the Last Guardian, we may never see again.

Well, I’ve decided to make a list of five games that did formerly got the axe, but I wish had not. Here they are. And here’s hoping that the aforementioned games don’t get sent to the chopping block, if they haven’t already.

Aliens RPG:

I recently completed the 2010 Aliens vs Predator game. It was fun. But it wasn’t an RPG, a genre that usually promising more gameplay time than 6 to 8 hours. Would an Aliens RPG game have been like Alpha Protocol? The same developer was making it. Or would it have been more like Fallout New Vegas? That could have been amazing.

Gamespot had this to say about the game’s cancellation: “After weeks of promising that information would be forthcoming, Sega was quick to confirm the project's demise. ‘At this point, Sega has no plans to move forward with the Aliens RPG,’ a rep told GameSpot. ‘The Aliens franchise offers us so much content to choose from that we feel it important to take a step back and carefully consider the type of game we want to release.’”

Gearbox is still making Aliens: Colonial Marines for Sega. I hope that game releases. It seems like it will. But you never know for sure. Here’s leaked footage of the Aliens RPG. It’s hard to see (really hard) but it’s all there is of the game.

Halo Chronicles:

I think this video says it all. You can tell Peter Jackson had very little idea of what he was actually going to do, because by what he says he hadn’t actually done anything yet except talk about Halo. No one involved even had a name for it. I think it was just vaporware; news to take attention away from Sony and Nintendo. Microsoft needed something to huge so they used Halo, and shoehorned this into the X06 event. Watch as two Peters disappoint millions of Halo fans.

Indiana Jones:

I remember reading about this game in the Official Xbox Magazine when I was in high school years and years ago. It was going to have awesome physics! That’s the only information that ever really came out about the game, as you can see in this sole trailer.

Project Offset:

I only recently ran across this game. I don’t think I ever saw anything about it when these videos were originally released because it was for PS3. If I did know about the game before, I had completely forgotten about it over the years. Of all the games in this article, this is the one I would pick to come out if I had only one to choose. The only information I could find about the game were a few official trailers.


I’m interested in Command and Conquer. I was a big fan of Red Alert 2 when I was younger, so this FPS version looked promisingly fun. I remember hearing interviews about it on Gamescoop a few years ago. But, apparently this game wasn’t living up to EA’s quality expectations and it was axed. Here’s some gameplay.


I take suggestions.