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Good job EA! you've wrecked MoH!

Just because you wanted to get this out before Black Ops you've wrecked the game right into the ground and showed us all how terrible you're at quality control.
 When i hopped into the campaign all i repeated was " What the fuck? are you kidding me? please tell me this is a joke."  here want me to list the problems?

  • The worst pop in's and muddy textures you'll ever see in your life.
  • Framerate drop, hate them? well MoH redefined it in this game by having you spend more time waiting for the game to keep up with the action than playing.
  • Horrible,horrible..AI. it's the worst AI this generation, you can stand in the middle of the battlefield and you won't be able to tell your enemies from your friends since they both avoid shooting you and do nothing at all when you get close to them. hell i had one pass right behind me and sit right next to me in cover.
Oh and the best part? i haven't touched the multiplayer yet so im excited to see how they'll wreck it since the beta was pretty smooth for me.
I hate you EA. i definitely hate you after ruining this great game by rushing it instead of giving it 5-6 months of development so the developers can polish it.  
For the record the campaign IS good, fuck. the sounds in this game are mind blowingly realistic. easily the best gun sounds i've heard this entire generation. this is a good game WRECKED by EA's greed, they wanted to jump the gun and release this game instead of letting Danger Close polish it for a couple of months.
But NOOOO! we have to get the game out because no one will buy this game for 5 years when BO comes out!  what a group of morons.....
Oh and to all the people saying that UE3 is a great engine on PS3? this a good example of a new developer getting pounded to the ground by the publisher to reach the deadline and having the engine do more damage than good. if they went with Frostbite we wouldn't have this mess of a game. save your money and wait till this game is 10$ bucks.
Fuck you EA.