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Much Needed Improvements on Giant Bomb

There are so many improvements that I wish to see happen on Giant Bomb. For starters, when you click on a thread in the forums, it should take you to the first post you haven't read. Right now you can only go to the first post in a thread by clicking the title, or to the last post by clicking the arrow at the end of the title. 
The search engine is in need of more improvement also. Finding some pages can be really frustrating, and let's not mention the username search engine when you wnat to add users to a pm. As hard as I tried I couldn't get my username to show up on the search. 
Another aspect that needs improvement is wiki pages contributions. We should be able to see who added each page to the site, who added which article and who contributed with each edit in an article. I guess this will give the edits we do more meaning as we are having full credit for them. 
Of course, I love the site, its design and its content, however, these little things do bother me from time to time.