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2016 Favorite Games

When trying to think of the games I played in 2016, only a few came to mind. I had to look at my achievement/trophy pages to see all the games I've played. I did play more than 10, but I only wanted to include the few games that really stood out to me year. There are a whole mess of games that came out this year that for whatever reason, I just didn't end up playing. Maybe next year.

List items

  • Number 1 by a million miles. I've played this game so much more than any other game this year, and will continue to play it for years to come. And not just because its Street Fighter, but because its a good Street Fighter. The changes to overall system are great I think. Yes I mostly agree with the general sentiment that its probably too offensive minded, but honestly, that's what I'm looking for. I don't think it lost depth in their effort to include new players. If anything I think people getting wrecked need to stop complaining, and readjust to the game, not what used to work in IV.

    As full retail game, its shit though. Poor launch, with a very limited initial offering really, really hurt this games overall life span. Its not all perfect 10 months later, but its acceptable at least. I think my biggest complaint is the cost of costumes, and lack of bundles for said costumes. Oh and Survival mode is complete trash.

  • Blood & Wine continued to show why this game is so amazing. After basically playing the Witcher all throughout 2015, I was still eager to play more.

  • I'm still blown away that this fully complete game was done by 1 person. Super Impressed. But beyond that, I played the hell out of this game. I think when I finally stopped I was midway through year 3.