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Reasons Why Guitar Hero Pisses Me Off

I was playing Guitar Hero 3 today when it suddenly struck me that there's a few things about the game that rile me up.

  • For starters, any session which stretches for longer than three songs leaves my vision well and truly effed in the A. For about an hour afterwards everything I see makes me feel like I'm trying to work out a magic eye puzzle.
  • Notes don't feel entirely in rhythm with the songs you're meant to be playing; I end up missing notes that appear as if from nowhere, and trying to hit notes that don't exist.
  • In addition to the previous point, if a song has more than two guitarists you end up playing a mixture of both their fretwork, which can be a fucking nightmare. Especially if you know a song you're playing, and you're focusing on the strumming patterns of one specific guitar, only for the game to throw you the notes for the other guitarist out of nowhere to catch you off guard.
  • The lead singer for your band doesn't really embody the spirit of each song very well. Whether you're playing Santana or Slayer, he still seems to have the same, boring animations.

And that's about it! Don't get me wrong, I like Guitar Hero, but these issues bother me big time.

Anyway, here's one reason I DO like Guitar Hero 3: