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Journalists could use a refreser course

So I have been writing a paper for my english class and I chose to go with the effects of violent video games since I figured it would be easier to write about a topic  I am passionate about. I personally came into it with the obvious bias against the effect, I believe that violent games not only do not cause an increase in violent behavior but are actually a useful way for me to vent my aggressive feelings without the need to go bare knuckle box another person.
As I began to write the paper I needed to find studies that I could gather data from so I started using my schools database utilities (I go to the University of Idaho). I was searching for violent games in the news and found a trend, although there were plenty of articles that talked about studies very few of them actually cited the source. This was made more infurating since I really just wanted the source but it made me start to think about just what these journalists had been taught. 
 Now im a science major and so for the past several weeks I have been having the idea that you always cite drivin into my head, it just made me sad to see all of these articles that failed the most basic steps, showing me where they had obtained this data so I could verify it myself.
Anyway I just felt the need to rant about that for a minute, so now that im a bit calmer back to work.