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Quick Blog: Mastering Hard Differculty & Other Things!


Hello Dear Readers, I hope you are all well and healthy. I woke up this morning in terrible disconfort and pain, not totally sure why but my body feels as if it's been hit head on by a large 4x4 Vehicle. My head is ringing as if a doorbell had been placed between my ears and I feel pretty sick at this moment in time. But I wanted to update my page a little with what's currently going on in my videogame lifestyle, or whatever I shall call it. As you can probably tell from the title I'm trying to master Hard Differculty, in Rock Band 2 to be precise. Bored of the dullness of medium I have for this past week been learning the acient ways of Hard Differculty. Some shall laugh at me, many find Expert pretty easy on Rock Band but I am no skilled Rock Band Ninja so I must learn the ways of the Plastic Guitar. It's going pretty well so far, I'm getting the full hang of memorizing my hand movements on the five coloured buttons and I'm enjoying the whole experience a lot more. I will get about doing a review of Rock Band 2 soon but at the moment I'm kind of addicted to it. I still haven't really been brave enough to try any sort of online play, partly because most who play online are super human Guitar machines who would just call me weak and make me look like a seven year old kid! But I shall give it ago sometime for the review and probably spend a good night online if I can.

I'm also hoping to pick up the new Prince of Persia game this weekend, my interests have been high for a good long while now and I'm eager to play. Also any game that as a Altair Costume to unlock is worth my cash, but it helps that it looks like a very solid game and somewhat of a new direction for the Prince of Persia franchise. I will admit I was very fond of Sands of Time but my interest in the other two titles were limited by a lack of real change. But we will have to see how Prince of Persia performs against my enjoyment of Sands of Time, though I have been informed it is very much a different game. So I should hopefully start playing that this weekend if I can get my sweaty fingers off Rock Band 2. 
Tough Guy!!
Tough Guy!!

I also wanted to mention that I have been considering doing some Video Reviews, I have done this in the past but it's often failed and I think I know why. I have considered doing a test Video Review of a game I'm currently playing and instead of speaking from my mind I shall write down what I'm going to say. This will mean that my speech won't be mumbled and clearer to the listener. I know a few other User Reviewers here on GiantBomb do the same so I'd thought I'd give it ago when I have sometime on my hands. If I don't think it's worthy then I won't put it up but I'm also considering a different video streaming site instead of YouTube who I have had all sorts of problems with recently. But I'll have to wait and see, I think it would be a neat idea though considering often my reviews can be pretty long annd some folk might not be in the mood to read all that. 

Finally I wanted to mention that I'm currently writing up some Game of the Year Candidate Articles, these are basically closer looks at some of the top games we Videogamers have played this year. Now I've already written up two but I'm still unsure if I will be allowed to put them up here on my GiantBomb page as there also appearing on a different site for a good friend of mine. I haven't asked him about it yet but I'm hopeing he will allow it. I will also be doing my own personal GOTY List nearer Christmas Time.

That's all for now and Please Keep Warm!
Joseph Bayliss (TrueEnglishGent).
It's NOT Christmas Yet!
It's NOT Christmas Yet!