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Quick Blog: The 'I Just Joined Twitter' Edition!


That's correct, I have joined Twitter. Despite my Anti-Social networking sites attitude over the past few years I have actually joined my first ever one in Twitter partly for a couple of different reasons. Reason one is that GiantBomb have recently added the feature to the site with it's latest update, and reason two is that Stephen Fry also uses Twitter and I shall admit to finding Stephen Fry fascinating be it through his brilliant podcast or of course through QI. The reason I have never found Networking site of much interest is simply because I'm not a particularly interesting person and why would other folks find my life of any interest to them. I have also realised that most of my friends don't seem to be Twitter users and still seem to be sticking with the terrible MySpace or FaceBook, both I hate with passion. So I'm not totally sure how this is going to go but it's worth a try. There are a few good Twitter Applications on the iPhone that I'll take a good look at for updating my GiantBomb page with my gaming news. That seems to be the only reason I'm doing it, so I can update friends on what games I'm currently busy with. 

I'm a bit of a fish out of water with sites like Twitter, but from what I have seen so far it seems quite a nice and simple site. Hopefully I'll keep it updated on my gaming activities and maybe other activities. I'm pretty almost certain that no one will ever take any notice but there is a odd sort of pleasure in offering your daily information to the World Wide Web, I guess that's why sites like MySpace and FaceBook do so well. But honestly, I'm glad I can only type 140 characters because I don't think I could add anything more of any interest. Though it may take sometime to get use to, but I guess it'll be a little bit of fun. 

Speaking of GiantBomb, still not totally sure of the new design. Certain things still seem a little out of place but that could simply require me to get use to them. I like the new homepage though, it did need a spot of modern paint. Great credit to Whiskey Media though, those guys know how to make a great site that also runs well under the rising pressure of users daily. I'm delighted that GiantBomb is doing aswell as it is, it's become my home of videogames and I throughally love using it. Of course we can't forget Jeff, Ryan, Brad and Vinny for the damn brilliant content they work hard on to put on the site. You guys are absolute legends!

That's it really, I'll try to pick up a Twitter app to update the page. I have heard Tweetie is the best out there so I shall take a closer look. It's a pretty short blog this time around as I'm busy doing some writing today but hopefully this weekend I'll be spending sometime with Killzone 2. 

As always, massively appriate anyone who spends the time to read my blog.
Joseph Bayliss (TrueEnglishGent)
Twitter Noob!
Twitter Noob!



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Edited By MachoFantastico


That's correct, I have joined Twitter. Despite my Anti-Social networking sites attitude over the past few years I have actually joined my first ever one in Twitter partly for a couple of different reasons. Reason one is that GiantBomb have recently added the feature to the site with it's latest update, and reason two is that Stephen Fry also uses Twitter and I shall admit to finding Stephen Fry fascinating be it through his brilliant podcast or of course through QI. The reason I have never found Networking site of much interest is simply because I'm not a particularly interesting person and why would other folks find my life of any interest to them. I have also realised that most of my friends don't seem to be Twitter users and still seem to be sticking with the terrible MySpace or FaceBook, both I hate with passion. So I'm not totally sure how this is going to go but it's worth a try. There are a few good Twitter Applications on the iPhone that I'll take a good look at for updating my GiantBomb page with my gaming news. That seems to be the only reason I'm doing it, so I can update friends on what games I'm currently busy with. 

I'm a bit of a fish out of water with sites like Twitter, but from what I have seen so far it seems quite a nice and simple site. Hopefully I'll keep it updated on my gaming activities and maybe other activities. I'm pretty almost certain that no one will ever take any notice but there is a odd sort of pleasure in offering your daily information to the World Wide Web, I guess that's why sites like MySpace and FaceBook do so well. But honestly, I'm glad I can only type 140 characters because I don't think I could add anything more of any interest. Though it may take sometime to get use to, but I guess it'll be a little bit of fun. 

Speaking of GiantBomb, still not totally sure of the new design. Certain things still seem a little out of place but that could simply require me to get use to them. I like the new homepage though, it did need a spot of modern paint. Great credit to Whiskey Media though, those guys know how to make a great site that also runs well under the rising pressure of users daily. I'm delighted that GiantBomb is doing aswell as it is, it's become my home of videogames and I throughally love using it. Of course we can't forget Jeff, Ryan, Brad and Vinny for the damn brilliant content they work hard on to put on the site. You guys are absolute legends!

That's it really, I'll try to pick up a Twitter app to update the page. I have heard Tweetie is the best out there so I shall take a closer look. It's a pretty short blog this time around as I'm busy doing some writing today but hopefully this weekend I'll be spending sometime with Killzone 2. 

As always, massively appriate anyone who spends the time to read my blog.
Joseph Bayliss (TrueEnglishGent)
Twitter Noob!
Twitter Noob!