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#1  Edited By maragidyne

@JakeLogan: Well, again, I think it's a game-to-game deal. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I don't think most RPG games should have silent protags, simply because it feels lazy on the creative team's part, but I don't always think it's a bust. It works really well in some cases, as I'm sure some people would tell you.

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#2  Edited By maragidyne

@mandude: I do think they work in some games. I certainly wish games like Persona would take more initiative with their protags - it wouldn't involve much more effort on the creative team's part. But I think for games where... the protags don't really NEED to talk, it works well. Does... that even make sense. Hmn. But yes. I think they're definitely a game-to-game thing, although I don't hate them.

Spineless bitch, though, ouch. Hahahah. I think that's perfectly valid, too.

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#3  Edited By maragidyne

Wow, I'm probably late to this, but.

I actually like the animation, which seems to be the general consensus here? Although I do giggle over some moments of terrible animation (the scene where Yu's helping Yosuke off the ground after pulling him out of the trash can? There are two of him for a second), I really, really like what they're doing overall with it. How they characterize Yu, the way the dialogue managed to get everything in without cutting out too much - although I was disappointed with there not being the dream sequence - and the fact that the game music is still used.

All and all, I guess I just really like this adaptation! I'm getting used to the Narukami thing still, but this is just really fascinating. Especially the way they're doing everything with the Shadows! I really, really loved how they handled Yosuke's shadow.

And, uh, I'm done. 8D Whoops, this was rambling.

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#4  Edited By maragidyne

This is actually something I've been thinking about for a while, regarding silent protagonists, and have never remembered to ask up until now!

Does anyone else come up with personalities for them? Since I've never really spoken to anyone on this particular point, I wouldn't know. It feels like it'd be pretty common to totally develop personalities for a character, based off small things in their internal thoughts/actions they are able to take/observations they make. Also based off more obvious things, such as their design.

Buuuut, I also know a lot of people don't care as much, and so wouldn't do this. I guess I'm just curious to hear about silent protagonists anyone has characterized? Because I know, just with Persona 4's protag, there are so many different and interesting views on him, that I really love hearing other people's opinions.

And if this topic is already all over the place, I'm sorry! I don't ever... spend time on forums here, so. If I come off like a total noob, I apologize now, hahah.

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