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Is it the shoes?

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Hey, everybody! It's Shoesday.

Okay, look…I'm sorry. That was a terrible pun. But, here's the deal. A couple weeks ago, @wafflestomp shared the idea of creating some New Balance 574's in memory of Ryan. I thought that was a great idea, and I could use some new shoes for PAX Prime 2013 anyway, so I got to work trying to design some on their website. Later, I saw that Max Temkin (Cards Against Humanity) had made some all-white 574's in memory of Ryan and was also encouraging people to buy the same color scheme of the original "Baller Time" 574's. I didn't want to copy that exactly. I wanted to make something that Giant Bomb fans would easily recognize, but maybe not so obvious to "outsiders." And this is what I came up with.

China could not be reached for comment.
China could not be reached for comment.

I never thought I'd own a pair of pink shoes, but here we are. I toyed around with the idea of doing the inverse of these (mostly pink), but decided I wasn't cool enough to pull it off even as a joke.

So, as Max said, it'd be pretty awesome if we had a bunch of people at PAX were rocking Ryan's favorite shoes. If you're interested, you can get some 574's for as low as $50 depending on the color. But, if you want to create your own, it'll run you about $140 or so. Here's some links to saved custom designs.

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