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Norseman Games bought my favorite game, The Realm, years ago. And since then, it's done nothing but go downhill. I've read testimony after testimony about accounts being charged double, payments continuing to be deducted after revoking membership, no customer support response to email inquiries...And now, the server for the game has been down for over a week and Norseman has been completely silent. They're more than happy to continue taking money from their customers, but they're completely incompetent and not even slightly motivated to diagnose the underlying issue that the game is unplayable and has remained so for at least the past ten days.

Giantbomb, if there is ANY WAY WHATSOEVER that you can reach out and contact the people who run Noreseman games, please tell them that their customers have HAD IT. We want our game back! If you aren't going to run it with even a shred of dignity, at least sell it to one of the handful of players who have OFFERED TO PURCHASE THE SERVER FROM YOU. We've been a community for decades, and Norseman is destroying everything we value about online MMORPG entertainment. Something needs to be done about this!