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Console Wars

1st off I am not a fan boy of any of the 3 main consoles. I own a 360 and a PS3 and my better half has a Wii.

There is no denying that the Wii has been a stupidly phenomenal success branching out to people who have never owned a console before, many see this as sticking their finger up at the traditional gamers. This is true to a point. It is releasing old games with new controls and charging premium rate for them which is shocking. It has not has a price drop since it launched and in fact in some countries it was threatened to have a price rise. However some criticisms are not valid. People moan that Nintendo are not getting games out for the Wii. If you look back historically the N64 only had Mario 64, it had 1 good Zelda game, 1 average Zelda game, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart and no Metroid games. The Game Cube had Mario Sunshine, 1 Zelda game, 2 Metroid games, Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. The Wii has had a Mario game, a Zelda game a Metroid game, Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros and its only 1/2 way into the life cycle. Relax people.

The other funny thing about the Wii is the minority are the most vocal in moaning about their perceived lack of real/hardcore/adult games (whatever you want to brand them) but then they do come out they sell so little it makes publishers and designers think what is the point. Mad World is a great example of this.

Next the PS3, the overpriced toaster/oven ugly piece of tech. This now has some great exclusive games now. InFamous, MGS4, LBP, Killzone 2, God of war, Resistance 1 and 2, the Motorstorms, GT and Uncharted with some great looking games to come such as Heavy Rain. The main issue with the exclusives is that they simply are not system sellers apart really from MGS and GT with maybe God of war.

It has a built in HD Blue Ray player as well as built in Wi Fi. This is great but really bumps up the price of the console, however while the 360 does not have these built in, owners are given the choice to get a Wi Fi adapter and an external HD-DVD player (yes pointless now) but all that lowered its price.

It is a luxury bit of kit that fan-boys who own use the price to lord it over others when price is no indication of a console being any good. Games make the console. Not the other way round.

Lastly, but ny no means least – the 360. The red rings have given this system such a bad reputation and yes it has been a major issue for the console (crashbox 360) but Microsoft increased the warranty to 3 years when they didn't have to at a great cost to themselves (least they could do really. ) It's a solid console not the best looker (but what consoles are) and is also noisy.

Exclusive games is where the 360 comes into its own Halo, Gears of War, Forza, Mass Effect, Fable, Crackdown, GTA expansions, Project Gotham Racing, with great games coming like Splinter Cell and Alan Wake. Halo and Gears sell consoles, so does GTA and having the exclusive 'add-ons' have helped ship 360's.

It's very hard to compare the PS3 or 360 to the Wii it has a life of its own. The Wii has good exclusives from maybe one of the best 1st party manufactures in the world.

Neither the 360 or PS3 is better or worse than the other it depends what you want from your console. If you want to play all the best games you need both however if you can't afford both you need to way up what games you want to play more. If you don't have a High Def TV forget the PS3 you are paying extra for a feature you can't use. If you do have a HD TV then it's an open field. Look at the games you like playing and see if there are games you cannot get on the other. If you want HD films then it is a PS3.

The field is wide open and it looks like the next consoles will not be out for a long while