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Mercs 2 = Too Human?

(This was originally written for my gaming ramblings blog)

Ok so I’ve played about halfway (well, in the menu it tells me I’m 50% done) through Mercenaries 2, and I’ve got to make the comparison to another game I played recently: Too Human.

If you have indeed read my opinions on Too Human, then you’d know that although I acknowledged that the game had a lot of significant flaws and shortcomings, overall the game play was just fun for me. Slashing through powerless enemies and then picking up their loot is just plain fun, and no matter how many shit cut scenes I watch, it still will be fun. As I have been making my way through Mercs 2, I’ve been having that feeling all over again. The core gameplay of Mercs 2 is super cool. Essentially, you’re an unkillable dude who runs around beating the shit of out dudes, and blowing shit up. Watching something blow into a huge ball of fire, or watching a building collapse after being decimated by a rocket launcher is just plain fun. Sure, the voice acting is bad, the graphics aren’t great, driving is somewhat clunky if you have recently played GTA IV, but I’d say that most of those flaws can be easily over looked once you sit on a recoilless rocket launcher, and blow up a few tanks and helicopters out of the sky.

Going back to the GTA IV reference, I think that is what happens when you get the game play right, along with all the other stuff. I mean, GTA IV in a way is a little of the opposite because most people will not finish it due to the repetitiveness of the game play. Mercs 2 and Too Human have the game play part down so solidly, that it is just a shame that they must be slammed in reviews due to their sometimes irrelevant flaws. Just like a typical gamer will greatly enjoy Too Human just for how fun it is, ignoring the rest, I think the same can be said for Mercs 2. If you go into it expecting just to blow shit up, you will have a great time. But, if you go into it expecting a open world game of the quality of GTA IV + explosions, you will be significantly disappointed.