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3.9 stars

Average score of 7 user reviews


this game could possibley be one of the best games ever! the game is going strong with game add ons and is just simpley amazing. graphics are grate! (really? a fallout game with good graphics???/??) bethesta transphormed the old top veiw rpg to a shooting roleplaying game of ultimate furry! the story line was as always to a fallout game, FRIGGIN EPIC!!!!!11!!!!1!!!! anouther thing that is cool is you can carry around a frickin arsanal of weapons arround with you and kill who ever you damn well p...

0 out of 4 found this review helpful.

steal things! oMfG!!!!11!!! 3

wow... the main thing you do in this game is "take" their is an option for everything to "take". you play as quickthorpe (a master theif  apperently.) and competet in the shortest easiest boss fights EVER! the game has a comical effect to it. it is a simple point and click adventure/ puzzel game. it has been lost for ages. the game has good graphics, and okay voice acting. it took the company 3 years to make, but now it would take you around 4 days to make a game like this.oh yah one last thing ...

0 out of 3 found this review helpful.

yet anouther good follow up! 0

okay, it is a bit different from the first two, but still just as enjoyable. the graphics are the same as the first two (i know WTF!) and this time, you play as the brotherhood of steel, and can command 6 units at a time (yay no more retarded followers!) this game is good with awsome animation and good gameplay. this is all you would expect from a fallout game, with a bit of a twist....

0 out of 4 found this review helpful.


I did not enjoy this game as much as the first one, mainly because it took me 48 hours to get out of the village. Their was not enough health or anything at the begining. As you progress, It does get more enjoyable. Graphical progressions, NONE. I still can't play this game for more than an hour without my eyes burning out of their sockets. Interplay fixed most of the bugs from the first one, so that was nice. It follows the same path from the first one, Shortage of something, bla bla bla, and a...

0 out of 4 found this review helpful.


After playing this game a lot more, I have found bunches of where I was wrong. I played it for like 25 mins and thought it was gay, but after beating it, I saw their was a lot I missed. The animation and graphics I still hate, I can not play this game for more than an hour without my eyes burning. The game itself is a fun experance, while I feel under pressure of the time limit, before and after the water chip, It is still one of the best RPGs I have ever played. The water chip and mutant attack...

0 out of 6 found this review helpful.

WTF IS THIS SHI-... okay just WTF! 0

okay so you have probobley only heard of its predocesor, runescape 2. but this one just sucked! it is impossible to get of lvl 1 unless you are a frikin genius. you would get better graphics out of an original warcraft, and well it is just plain boring from the orginal, minus it being LOCKED if you haven't made an account yet. and well the graphics are bad for a java based. if that can be possible. so yah you can only play on a private surver now basically. and all the private survers SUCK...

0 out of 2 found this review helpful.

role play in the mystical world full of idiots, bots, and n00bs 3

this game is taken for "the worst game ever" or "It sucks!" or some crap like that, really it is not a bad game. you just need to know what to do, and if the game is sooo bad, then why is their 45000 players on all the time? the game is extreamly addictive. THE GAME DOES NOT SUCK!   you just need to get the hang of it. it is quite easy... yet you will find yourself taking a years worth or 6 mounths worth of a break. if you think the game is impossible and you can't do anything right, don't worry...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.