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  • Picked this up back on the PS2 launch (March 2004) and I've played it pretty much daily since. I play on PC now. I would still call it the best MMORPG out there, but it is certainly not for casual players. This game tailors specifically to FF fans or hardcore MMO players. This is not your walk in the park MMO like WoW, it can be pretty tough, but very rewarding. I've been on the Odin server since the start; is you see me in game, /wave to Miniman.

  • What's not to love? Class based play, incredible balance, teamwork, maps, characters, art and cartoony violence. Valve at its best.

  • Awesome game that flew way under the radar. This game breaks free of the typical Zelda like adventure (while still retaining some of the better qualities) and implements amazing art, music and style.