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Addicted to Steam

I am addicted to buying downloadable games off steam. I have 130 games on steam, and over half of those I haven't even installed, let alone played. I really need to resist the urge to buy games, and actually play them for a change. Yet when the next steam weekend deal comes along, and it's a game that looks decent, I'll buy it. And I probably won't play it, at least for a while.
I need therapy. I have all these great games just sitting there, shouting "Play Me" at me, and yet rather than playing them, I decide to go onto the steam store, and buy buy buy. It drives me crazy. I just can't resist the urge to buy a game when it's staring at me on steam, saying "Buy Me".
I'm also somewhat addicted to steam achievements. Ever since Giant Bomb got achievement support, I've wanted more achievements. And this worsens my buying spree because I'll see a game that has steam achievements, and buy it, mostly for the achievements. GODDAMN YOU GIANT BOMB!!! YOU'VE MADE ME AN ACHIEVEMENT WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!
So, if anyone knows of a good psychologist in the north east of England, let me know. Oh, and he's got to be cheap, because I haven't got a lot of money after spending it all on steam games.



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Edited By MattyFTM  Moderator

I am addicted to buying downloadable games off steam. I have 130 games on steam, and over half of those I haven't even installed, let alone played. I really need to resist the urge to buy games, and actually play them for a change. Yet when the next steam weekend deal comes along, and it's a game that looks decent, I'll buy it. And I probably won't play it, at least for a while.
I need therapy. I have all these great games just sitting there, shouting "Play Me" at me, and yet rather than playing them, I decide to go onto the steam store, and buy buy buy. It drives me crazy. I just can't resist the urge to buy a game when it's staring at me on steam, saying "Buy Me".
I'm also somewhat addicted to steam achievements. Ever since Giant Bomb got achievement support, I've wanted more achievements. And this worsens my buying spree because I'll see a game that has steam achievements, and buy it, mostly for the achievements. GODDAMN YOU GIANT BOMB!!! YOU'VE MADE ME AN ACHIEVEMENT WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!
So, if anyone knows of a good psychologist in the north east of England, let me know. Oh, and he's got to be cheap, because I haven't got a lot of money after spending it all on steam games.

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Edited By ZeroCast

Well, looks like you have a lot of money under your belt Mr Matty, so maybe you should scrimp some of it and force yourself to not buy nothing but games you are very excited about, like Wolfenstein for instance...and Arkham Asylum...and RFG and Resident Evil 5 and...JESUS CHRIST IT DOESN'T END!   
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Edited By RHCPfan24

I don't know a psychologist, but I do know of a guy who I can hire who can BEAT THE SHIT out of your computer. All he has is a lead pipe, you best not be in his way when he arrives.

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Edited By Dalai

I'm afraid that I'm gonna end up like you.  My addiction to Steam is just beginning.

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Edited By LordAndrew

I know! It's terrible. It's a good thing I can't afford to buy games right now or I totally would. There are a bunch of games I want to buy, because they're cheap, because they have achievements, or often both!
Mayhem Intergalactic has an achievement that requires you win 100 multiplayer games. It's getting to the point where I'm not enjoying playing it so much, but dammit! I need that last achievement for the S-Rank!

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Edited By damnboyadvance

Well since you have so much money, you might as well try this, even though it probably won't help at all. But you can try it!

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Edited By RedRoxy

They addicted of cod 5 map pack 1, 2 , 3  -_-