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ZombiePie's Giant Bomb Modsquad Zombie Team!!!

You may or may not know this, but there is a small section of the Giant Bomb community who have pages. Formspring is a social networking type thing which allows you to ask people random questions. Think of it as twitter, but solely for asking & answering questions, and without an annoying character limit. Both myself and ZombiePie have formspring accounts.  
Yesterday I decided to ask him the super important question "Who from the Giant Bomb mod team would you have on your zombie team?". I was expecting a quick response listing a couple of names and reasons. I was wrong. ZP went to a huge amount of detail about roles for each of the majority of the moderators. He even wrote on my wall afterwards "I spent more time writing and thinking about your Giant Bomb mod Zombie Team question on formspring than I should have". It seems like a real waste leaving this on formspring where few people will read it (and also, I want to see Hamz decapitate ZP), so here it is:

"I can't decide so I'm gonna just put roles on the majority of the mod team:

Lordofultima would be the heavy lifter and heavy guns experts. He sounds like tough guy so I expect that they can be the main gunner carrying like a Gatling gun or a chainsaw. The reason for this is that everytime I check his twitter he talks about his exercise routine. 

Joseppie would be the quiet type that's a sprinter and ninja like. Not one to be underestimated and good with his hands. He would be the guy that randomly saves your life when you are expecting to die and his importance despite being the "Mr. Blue" type character is highlighted. 

CitizenKane would be the equivalent to Frank West. A brash an energetic go getter that views the Zombie Invasion as something that can promote his career. He's covered wars you know. Sometimes gets into more trouble than he should.

Marino would be the brains with his encyclopedic knowledge. A multifaceted polymath that may not look imposing but can do more than you think. His encyclopedic knowledge can come up with numerous solutions to the trials we face.

TheBeast with his expertise in web design and development would make him the best techie. A hacker or computers/electronics expert could prove an important role when we need to get into buildings for supplies and stuff. He could also fashion tools and items to use.

erinfizz would be the medic/nurse because she literally likes anyone she meets and only wants to help people. She also likes animals especially kitties.

Matty you would be the comic relief that every now and then comes up with a miraculous solution to even the most perplexing and dire situation. Kind of like Ellis from Left 4 Dead 2. You would also be the driver for any vehicles we come across with. You prefer to use shotguns and enjoy the up close and personal technique. 

mracoon is kind of good at Team Fortress 2 so I'm think he has good hand eye coordination so he would be like a sniper or a scout. I lean towards scout because having someone who can map out the area would be very useful 

MB and Hamz would be the dueling leaders. Not to suggest that they would be at each others throats, but they would be more like Spock and Kirk. They wouldn't be like Gene Hackman and Ernest Borgnine from The Poseidon Adventure there would be no feuding. They would each provide leadership and advice that while not similar would always work cohesively to make our group stronger and capable of dealing with any situation possible. 

And me? Well ZombiePie would be the fish out of water character. You know the guy that;s always delusional does stupid shit like bump into a car signaling the car alarm thereby attracting the attention of a zombie horde. I would also complain a lot and ask where we can find amenities that no longer exist like television or strip clubs. Why do you keep me because none of you want to feel responsible for leaving someone behind.

SO there's my Giant Bomb Mod zombie survival team. Pretty impressive isn't it?

P.S. If you post this on the forums I'm pretty sure Hamz would have my head. So go right ahead."  
For what it's worth, I would probably reverse mine and ZP's roles, but aside from that, I really can't argue with anything on there. 
EDIT: And after ZP asked me the same question I responded slightly psychophysically (OK, very psychophysically).