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@breadbull: To be honest it really isn't benefiting me. Maybe don't bump threads that are 2 years old so you can take a swipe at people you don't like? What a weird thread.

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#2  Edited By mbannick

As someone who spent his late teens into his mid 20's being an irresponsible binge drinker I would like to stress moderation. One 40 oz is probably more than enough to get you pretty buzzed depending on your previous exposure to alcohol or your own body's alcohol tolerance. Start slow, seriously. Alcohol can creep up on you and you may feel fine or slightly buzzed one moment only to be trashed out of your mind 30 minutes later if you keep drinking. I would put a limit on consumption to about 2-3 beers or similar with other types of alcohol.

Hard liquor takes even less to get to a very drunken state so be careful with the stuff and don't bend to social pressure to keep drinking. I'd suggest a six pack and only drink two at maximum for the first 30-45 minutes then make a judgment call on how much more to drink. 2-3 beers is probably the sweet spot for a buzz without going overboard into drunken slurring mess territory.

Just be aware that some people can have a terrible reaction to even 1-2 beers depending on their body and genetic history with alcohol so keep that in mind and stop drinking before you make yourself sick.

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#3  Edited By mbannick
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Having only played world of warcraft for maybe two weeks in 2010 (I kept myself far away from that game after watching a few friends get hopelessly sucked in when it came out) I don't really have any nostalgia for it. My idea would be like an expansion that has you travel back in time to the vanilla version (make it a quest or something) which takes you to another instance of the world with the old map and rules, add a few new missions to close the portal or whatever and go back to the main world. Maybe add a branch in the story that traps your character there forever if you choose the alternative option. Also, update some of the assets and textures to be more in line with what the games graphics are like currently and sell that shit for like $10 You end up making the current angry mob happy AND you make more money. I expect my check in the mail blizzard.

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save your credit for a new game if the shop sells new items as well.

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I don't understand the recent spike in prices for common games on certain platforms (if this was some rare item that didn't have a large run it would be easier to understand). I'd say save the credit for a new game maybe? I mean $50 is a steep asking price for and old n64 game but if you're a collector I suppose that's one reason to buy this game again. Speaking as someone who enjoyed the hell out of this game when it came out the campaign is pretty lackluster so that really isn't a selling point for me.

Also, if you're willing to do some digging check out some second hand stores or flea markets first (depending on where you live you might be able to snag this game for much less).

With that being said if it makes you happy go for it. In my experience nostalgia is best left to memories though.

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It's a short game and not very difficult (easy enemies and limited by number of sprites that can be onscreen at once). I own the famicom version and it's more of a curiosity than anything else.

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@darkmoney52 said:

Yep, I started with Fallout 3. I tried to go back to the first two after hearing a lot of people compare them to New Vegas (My all time favorite game) but I really can't get into them. I'm generally less of a fan of isometric RPGs in general and Fallout 2 in particular feels truly awful to control. Ordering my character somewhere and watching him slowly trudge over there makes me feel actively uncomfortable.

Fallout 2 has an extremely tough opening but it will get way better after that. Also, you can make your character run by double clicking.

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#9  Edited By mbannick

I want to say that Bio shock Infinite has support for rumble in the triggers (weird). I know this because I recently tested out an xbox one controller that I rebuilt for a friend and I SWEAR I felt the triggers rumbling while shooting. Other than that I think the new Wolfenstein also supports trigger rumble. Edit: haha necro thread. As for prompts I'd say 360/ONE are still the most used this year.