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What I'm Into Lately #1: Jazz Fusion, Boat-le Royale, and Screenwriting Oh My!

Hello there!

Pre-Meme Drew and I
Pre-Meme Drew and I

My name’s Luis, and I like stuff! Well, it turns out a lot of people do, but I just had an urge to write about some of it. Thanks for stopping by though I really appreciate it! The way I want to do this is to have 3 separate topics (i.e. music/games/other) and keep each section limited to two things that I’m into lately. I would also like to do this at least semi-regularly.

These things won’t always be new or trending, but just what I’m into at the moment. I also would love to hear from y'all about what you love, so without further ado…

Let’s get positive!


I love music, and it plays a major role in my life. I played violin for 12 years, and through that I developed an extreme love and appreciation for music theory, composition, and originality. This, in turn, has led me to the world of Jazz influenced styles as well as more Progressive genres. I also will mention that I only ever listen to albums as a whole. I like to experience what the artist wanted me to hear, so I will always recommend an album as opposed to a single track, with maybe a highlight track or two to give you a snippet of what the artist is about. So, here’s some tunes that I’m into lately.

yeah whatever by Owane

Mar. 2018

Jazz Fusion, Progressive Rock

really great art too!
really great art too!

Owane is a mostly solo project with three releases since 2015, but this release really trumps them all. As with most Jazz Fusion outfits, Owane’s work is incredibly interesting in terms of composition, especially when it comes to complex rhythms and absurd time signatures. In yeah whatever, Owane plays musical gymnastics, but at the same time got my head bobbing along to the crazy, but understandable rhythms and melodies. It has an upbeat feel, and makes me smile with every listen.

Highlight tracks: Rock is Too Heavy, One Curl in Bangkok

Three Gods & Me by Hungry Lights

Dec. 2017

Symphonic Metal, Progressive

No Caption Provided

Hungry Lights is a solo project by a guy named Justin Bonitz. Three Gods & Me is the third part of a five part series called “From Windfall to Hell.” The interesting thing here is that Justin Bonitz is writing a series of novels that follow along with the story being told in the albums. I haven’t read his work, but what he’s got going on here in these three concept albums so far is incredibly interesting. In terms of genre it’s incredibly hard to pin this guy down. His vocal stylings are incredibly unique and his screaming is just as unique if not downright crazy. Not only does he sing, scream, and play characters in his music, but he also will rap in certain parts of these albums. His work kept me guessing and surprised at his experimenting and I can’t wait to see more.

Highlight tracks: Reflaugh, Cowardice

you guessed it, Bonitz is the guy with the bunny ears
you guessed it, Bonitz is the guy with the bunny ears

He also started a new band by the name of Tallah with Mike Portnoy’s son Max as the lead vocalist. Look into it you’re curious, but the one word I would describe them as is: insane.

Video games, right?

Maelstrom - Gunpowder Games

Apr. 11th in Steam Early Access

Sailing, PVP, Battle Royale (Boat-le Royale…?)

Dwarven ships don't have sails, thus chain-shot is useless on them
Dwarven ships don't have sails, thus chain-shot is useless on them

I picked this up yesterday and almost instantly fell in love with it. In Maelstrom you play a boat and are placed in a map with up to 15 other boats in a fight to the death, and yes of course there is a “circle” that closes in. The “circle” in this case is called the “Dead Waters” and it doesn’t tick away at your health. Instead, giant sea monsters roam the Dead Waters, and if you hang out too long they will chase you down and kill you in one hit. There are also AI mobs that spawn on the map (you could call them creeps, I guess) and they will drop buffs on death that you can pick up. In terms of ships, there are three races with 3 ships each. They have different speeds, armor, cannon positions, size, and many other things that you can pick from. On top of this, you can unlock 3 captains per race, who each have different active abilities that will give you versatility or an advantage depending on the situation.

Giant Merman!
Giant Merman!

This game controls so well, feels so good, and is incredibly exciting when getting in a 6 ship scuffle surrounded by 4 sea monsters waiting to pick you off. Very fast-paced, and very fun, with an average match time of 15-20 minutes.

Project: GorgonElder Game

Mar. 2018 in Steam Early Access


This flame is an npc...
This flame is an npc...

Gosh this game is so interesting. I like playing MMOs, but they are definitely a sort of mindless thing for me. This is especially true when they are extremely “hand-holdy” in the vain of WoW. In Project: Gorgon there is zero hand holding. The game wants you to read what the npcs have to say, because they actually tell you where to go and what to do. There are no waypoints, no exclamation marks over quest givers’ heads, and no markers over quest objectives. It very much reminds me of Morrowind in this way, and I adore Morrowind.

Yes, you CAN level in the art of Dying!
Yes, you CAN level in the art of Dying!

The game doesn’t have an overall level, but each skill in the game, of which there are way too many, levels as you use them. The game also touts itself as a “new old school MMO” so take that for what it’s worth if you played “old school” MMOs. I really am enjoying this game, and hope to see some more people talk about it.

You can actually go below zero in the graphics settings to -2
You can actually go below zero in the graphics settings to -2 "Retro-Terrible" - Runs great though!

Other things I’m into

Giant Bomb Infinite

I miss Drew and Dave!
I miss Drew and Dave!

This almost goes without saying, but Giant Bomb Infinite is one of the greatest things this site has done. I have a laptop hooked up to my TV running GBI 24/7 and I will have it that way for a long time to come. I absolutely love being reminded of some of GB’s greatest/silliest/craziest moments over the past 10 years, and GBI does this for me instead of me having to do it manually on my second monitor.


I am currently studying Digital Video and Cinema Production, and am loving it so dearly. I graduated high school in 2011, but didn’t start college for almost 6 years. I’m happy I didn’t go straight into college, because I didn’t know what I wanted to do at the time. Over time, I found out that I really love video production. Learning about and doing stuff that I love has been such a boon for me these past few semesters. I am in currently in the middle of production for my Cinematography class doing scene recreations (I’m doing a scene from Twin Peaks) among a bunch of other things I’m doing for my Editing, Screenwriting, and Production Management classes.

Screenwriting specifically has been so so much fun for me. I am currently working on the first act of a feature screenplay. I never really considered myself a writer, but it turns out when I am writing creatively I love it! Granted, writing screenplays isn’t the same as writing novels or poetry, but I love the creative process all the same. I currently am developing a story that has really grown on me. It has become way bigger than I thought it would, and I plan to write it in novel form over the summer. I will keep the name and concept of it to myself for now, and hopefully later on I will have something to share.

I think that does it for me this time, I’ll write up another post at some point in the future. I think writing this is just good positive thinking for me. I would love to hear from y’all though, maybe about what I’ve written or just whatever you like, old or new. So...

What are y’all into lately?



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Edited By Justin258

Seeing that you play violin and like some metal, have you listened to Ne Obliviscaris? They're. really. really. good.

EDIT: Put a period between each of those links because for some reason those last four words kept combining into one. I know that makes it weird to read, sorry! /EDIT.

I've also been listening to some jazz fusion. I was looking for some stuff similar to Mega Man X's soundtrack that wasn't a video game soundtrack and someone in a Youtube comment (go figure) mentioned Casiopea. I've been looking for a chance to post that album somewhere and I guess here's as good as any.

Currently, I don't quite know what I'm doing. Lately my interest in video games has waned more than it ever has. I'm still pretty interested in playing Octopath Traveler and Bloodstained this year, but I think about all these big newfangled AAA games with their open worlds and their fancy graphics and their ridiculous budgets and I just shrug. Who cares. So I've been reading more books. I'm enjoying myself, but haven't really picked up a banger yet. I read Consider Phlebas and that was all right. Kinda weak, but there were some cool parts to it. I read some of that recent Thrawn novel and that sucked. Now I'm reading Mortal Coils and I'm enjoying that even though it's nothing amazing. I started to read Neuromancer again, but I finished reading that sometime late last year and I started remembering most of the novel so I felt like I'd rather read something new, which is why I leaned towards Mortal Coils instead.

I graduated high school in 2011, but didn’t start college for almost 6 years. I’m happy I didn’t go straight into college, because I didn’t know what I wanted to do at the time.

This is great to hear! Growing up, I was constantly pushed to go to college right after finishing high school. I was told "if you don't go then, you'll just never get the chance again!" I didn't know what I wanted to do with myself at 18, or even 22 when I graduated for that matter, so I wound up having a terrible time there. Kids, don't go to college if you're just going because "that's what you're supposed to do after high school!" That's all in the past and I've come to terms with it, but some part of me will never not wish that I'd waited and spent some more time working a part time job, driving an ugly old-ass car, and exploring my interests.

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riostarwind  Moderator

Writing down stuff always feels good. Must be why I started writing a daily journal of all the mundane things I do every day. I can't add much to the music viewpoint since my taste seems to be whatever games I happen to be playing. The tracks you mentioned do sound awesome. Although I did play a music related game while visiting a friend. We got his plastic instruments out and rocked out to Rock Band 4 for a while.

Game wise I keep that up to date with my crazy list of reviews. Generally been getting ready for the GBCERVIII. By getting ready I mostly mean thinking about doing different stuff that I never quite end up doing. As for the games you've been playing that Battle Royale game with ships looks interesting. Certainly a lot different from the rest.

Your not the only one who has had the Giant Bomb Infinite stream on at all times going by the amount of people chatting.

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Hellblade is a game that’ll stick with me.

I’ve been listening to Mariachi El Bronx while lifting weights, Dirty Three while studying for some continuing educatuon at work, and David Bowie while on the road.

Captain Fantastic, One More Time with Feeling, and Drive have been some recent favorite movies.

I recently found time to give Twin Peaks: The Return a watch and I loved it. I’m revisiting the original run now, with maybe 3-4 episodes left in season 2, then it’ll be on to Fire Walk with Me.

Outside of that, dad stuff, home renovation stuff, and some upcoming backpacking and a Caribbean vacation.

Also, experiencing life for a bit and dropping money on college only after you’ve found your heading sounds like the way to do it. It’s what I would have done, if I had a second chance, and sometime I’m very open to my kids doing. You just need to be able to tell schools and employers something insightful and productive about your education sabbatical.

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Edited By David

Hey thanks, that album by Owane seems right up my alley. So far, it's reminding me of Guthrie Govan's album Erotic Cakes which is always a good thing in my book.

By the way, did you notice The Lick™ at 2:37 in Love Juice? :)

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Man... thanks for the Owane, Yeah Whatever recommendation! This is fantastic! I enjoy a large rang of music but this hit me. Thanks!

As for what I've been into, XCOM 2 is still taking up a ton of my gaming time. I starting my third playthrough and finally playing the expansion War of the Chosen. I did two play-throughs on the base game first. The first one was experience the magic and the second was honing my strategies and getting better at it as the I played on easy the first time.

I've also been playing Burnout Paradise Remastered on the PS4. I love that game, so much.

I'll also be playing God of War starting tomorrow so I am really excited for that.

Music wise i've been listening to Childish Gambino at the gym, and George Ezra afterward. Its an odd transition but its been great for my moods and "cool down" and it works for me.

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@justin258:I have one of Ne Obliviscaris' albums and yes, they are quite good. They give me shades of Opeth and that's always a good thing. I as well don't play the big games that come out. I couldn't care less about the new Far Cry or whatever else is coming out nowadays. I more appreciate a fun and unique experience. I also really want to jump back into more audiobooks. I have really loved listening to Brandon Sanderson's work.

@nutter: I only saw one episode of season 3 of Twin Peaks and god I need to watch the rest. Season 2 is incredibly weak, but has some moments. I haven't watch Fire Walk With Me though.

@david: haha of course! I love to spread the greatness of some unknown artists! also yes holy shit I didn't even notice it at first, but listening closely there is definitely The Lick couched in the middle of that solo. Pretty sweet!

@maxszy: No problem! I love Burnout Paradise man, so close to a perfect game.

In the next thing I write I'll probably mention some of the other progressive metal/jazz artists that I've loved over the years. Every time I show my friends or family these artists they really love what they hear, so I'm excited to write about them a bit.

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@meatsofevil: Season 1 is a tight 8 episodes of soapy, mystical, police procedural. Season 2 is maybe 8 good episodes padded out to 22 or 23 in typical TV fashion.

Fire Walk with Me is basically required viewing for Season 3.

Season 3 is long, slow, and deliberate. It’s both insane that some of these scenes made it to television and the most straight-forward storytelling in Twin Peaks (and by extension, David Lynch films) to date.

Season 3 is just 18 hours of David Lynch in Lost Highway/Mulholland Drive mode. I dig it quite a bit.

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The leveling up of dying, and what talent tree buffs it gives, is a delight.

I wonder how the community would be in that.