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Lets think about this.

A few hours ago I just found out about the PS3 error problem. Reports from Sony says that the cause is from a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system and they will try to fix the problem in around 24 hours. For some reason people are raging that this is a scam to get everyone to buy PS3 slims if Sony is unable to fix the problem. What is with all of the Sony hate and distrust of the company? Since day one of the console release people had some type of a problem with the system, nitpicking every single problem that came across it. After over 4 years now we should have a change of heart but no. The problem I have with these rumors of Sony scamming us is that there is no evidence to it. It was weird that the fat PS3 stop working because of a bug in the clock functionality but that doesn't really mean Sony planned to happen. We should all think carefully about this and think rational about this.



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Edited By metalsnakezero

A few hours ago I just found out about the PS3 error problem. Reports from Sony says that the cause is from a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system and they will try to fix the problem in around 24 hours. For some reason people are raging that this is a scam to get everyone to buy PS3 slims if Sony is unable to fix the problem. What is with all of the Sony hate and distrust of the company? Since day one of the console release people had some type of a problem with the system, nitpicking every single problem that came across it. After over 4 years now we should have a change of heart but no. The problem I have with these rumors of Sony scamming us is that there is no evidence to it. It was weird that the fat PS3 stop working because of a bug in the clock functionality but that doesn't really mean Sony planned to happen. We should all think carefully about this and think rational about this.

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Edited By Castro

It's the internet and people like to bitch. It's nothing to worry about and I honestly haven't heard anything about these conspiracy theories of which you speak. It sounds like the exact same thing happened to the PS3 that happened to the Zune a few years ago. They'll fix it and everything will be fine. It's not like the red ring of death or anything, it's just a software thing that should be pretty easy to patch.

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Edited By Bobby_The_Great

Intellectual and rational thought on the internet? HA!
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Edited By angelkanarias

it isn't weird at all, and it obviously isn't a complot, this isn't good for them in any way.

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Edited By vidiot

A lot of it is overblown, but there most certainly is legitimate pause for concern. People have been hypercritical of Sony with Playstation 3 since day one for a myriad of issues, from everything to the initial huge price point to 360 ports not looking good enough. But that's beside the point: I think the recent problem regarding the internal clock has brought out a bunch of concerns over how Sony is going to handle the fat models of the Ps3's. Beforehand, the last firmware update apparently bricked a few 60GB models, and there has been documented examples of certain games such as GOW collection freezing or crashing on earlier system models. None of those issues are anywhere near the level of the current predicament, but I think consumers are weary over how much Sony is willing to bug-fix a system model that they don't even sell anymore.
There was also too much silence initially from Sony's part when this situation broke out. Technically the initial silence wasn't their problem, the whole site kinda mysteriously went down for no apparent reason: But once again you have users solving the reasoning for the problem, several hours before a similar official announcement. When that happens, you always get built up anger. You might have just discovered this problem now, but it's sure been a wild 24 hours I can assure you. :P

If you look up the error code that the fat PS3's exhibit, you would be given a description that there has been a catastrophic hardware failing with your bluRay drive. Given the fact that this huge issue, is being caused by an internal clock malfunction, you have something that seems quite amateurish for such a company like Sony. For people who don't have their Playstations connected to the internet (Like me) this bug code initially threw me for a loop, especially when the first reports claimed the problem was with being online and connecting to Playstation network exclusively. So yeah: Not happy those first few hours.
So yes, I agree, some of the initial response and anger was pretty bad, but I also sure as hell understand it.

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Edited By frankxiv
I can still understand the silence though as most companies aren't even open on Sundays, it's not like they were sitting there watching everything unfold on a big screen going "YES, JUST AS PLANNED THE CLOCKS ALL FAILED AT ONCE, NOW SHUT DOWN THE WEBSITE AHAHAHAHA". Between when it happened and when we got the first update on them working on it, I'm willing to bet nobody had any idea, probably having a BBQ or something.
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Edited By vidiot
@onimonkii: I agree, and I don't think that even the people who proclaim that this was some type of conspiracy theory truly believe that line of logic. (Or maybe they do, I simply pretend that it's understandable knee-jerk reactions.) But the silence, in general, sure didn't help the matter either. The grand scale of the failures was pretty epic, and I imagine that there were a bunch of people called back to work yesterday. On another note: Does anyone know what happened to their own website?
If I were Sony, I would release a press statement after all this, that would proclaim that extra effort is being done supporting old models. This can be used as a great opportunity to extinguish a large spread consumer fear that came out in full-force yesterday, and we can all move forward.