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Playing games for a living

Wierd thing i just came to think about.
I really miss the times when i was a broke student and had to play every game i bought to shreds before buying a new one. I look at my achievements now, and i have an average of 130(!). And that really reflect how i play games.
I now own my own gamesstore and i play ALOT of games, allso to be able to give an hones opinion to my customers, but i end up playing a game for one night after work, and maybe a game sticks with me so i play it over the weekend. But this means i rarely manage to see a game trough.
So allthough i have acces to most games, for most consoles at any time, working 130% due to running a store so i can have access to the games has seriously cramped my gaming...  



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Edited By Mevvem

Wierd thing i just came to think about.
I really miss the times when i was a broke student and had to play every game i bought to shreds before buying a new one. I look at my achievements now, and i have an average of 130(!). And that really reflect how i play games.
I now own my own gamesstore and i play ALOT of games, allso to be able to give an hones opinion to my customers, but i end up playing a game for one night after work, and maybe a game sticks with me so i play it over the weekend. But this means i rarely manage to see a game trough.
So allthough i have acces to most games, for most consoles at any time, working 130% due to running a store so i can have access to the games has seriously cramped my gaming...