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I have fallen off of the xbox band wagon

With Halo Reach out and all of my online friends playing and asking me when am I getting the game so I can join in on the fun, I ask myself "Why do I still turn on the Xbox?" I have been with the Xbox since it's launch. I have been on Live for the last 4 years. But now I am finding it hard to continue supporting the Xbox. I have a PS3 and until the last few months it has always been nothing more than a BluRay player. That was until I found Uncharted (or I should say one of my "local" friends stopped by and made me play it). Now I have done nothing but play games on the PS3. I did not notice at first but the Xbox dashboard has become so polluted with junk and ads. I never really saw them before until I started using the XMB on the PS3. Clean and fast, able to get right to what I am looking for, the PS3 XMB reminds me of the old Blades of the Xbox 360.  
After that I started to really think about the differences. The Xbox has great live support and the Party Chat is the only reason I get on the xbox. I don't play alot of the same games that my friends do but I can still talk to them as I play a RPG and they play FPS. But I had to make some choices about my spending and I decided that Xbox Live was not worth the cost. I know I was stupid but when I signed up I chose the monthly plan. Thats 7.99 a month. Thats what 96.00 a year. Almost twice the years price. But it was more than just the cost, it was what I was getting for the cost. I don't use Netflix on the xbox, I don't like facebook, and Twitter is not my cup of tea. Online play was all I am getting from paying 7.99 a month. "But its free on the PS3" I am told by my PS3 fanboy friends. So I started to play on the PS3 more and more and now I am a PS3 only gamer. I have gone back to Silver on Live and not missed it yet. 
SO now looking back I have some questions. When a developer creates a game and spend time creating the Multiplayer part of the game, its on the disk. When you go to the store and buy the game for 59.99 it already has the multiplayer on the disk. You have paid for the right to play the multiplayer when you bought the disk, Right? SO if you have already buy the disk with teh mulitiplayer on it, what are you play xbox live to do? give you the right to access the multiplayer? To connect to other players? I thought that the companies ran their own servers. Thats why they can turn them off or drop support (EA). And the same game on the PS3, mulitplayer build in on disk I can jump right on the online and play. No cost. Why? What exectly dose Live get you that PS3 online doesn't? I have played COD4,5 on both consoles and the only real difference I can see is that more people on Xbox have mics. And is that really a problem? So what does paying for Xbox Live get me? 
When I ask some of my Xbox friends, they get all fanboy and tell me that paying for Xbox Live gets my a set of Balls and shit like that. SO I guess I am looking for other peoples opinion as to why they do what they do. I my sound like a PS3 fanboy but trust me that when Fable 3 come out I will have a new Xbox 360 with a new controller. And yes it willbe the 6th one I have bought.