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MidgardDragon's forum posts

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#1  Edited By MidgardDragon

@MB said:

You know what would make things a lot less dramatic around here? Don't post "Flagged!" when you flag something..just flag it and move on and one of us will deal with it.

Now THIS I agree with 100%. Flagging isn't wrong, but showing off to the world that you flagged it is (and is rule-breaking in many communities online).

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#2  Edited By MidgardDragon

@Xtrememuffinman said:

Hey! That's me! And yeah, I'm flagging spam. There's no need to clutter up the boards with trolls. Trying to help everyone out here.

Exactly. Flag spam. Flag trolls. Flag jerks. No OP this isn't your "I get to say whatever I want" paradise that you want it to be. Deal with it, that's only how the internet works on /b/ and YouTube, otherwise mods actually do their job on most sites, and users helping them along is hardly a bad thing.

Come back and talk to me when you Admin a forum of your own, until then, let the "narcs" narc all they want, it's called being a decent human being.

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#3  Edited By MidgardDragon

I'm glad for that 9.0 (even a someone who isn't a fan of the toy-box-not-a-game). The way he talked in the lead up it was looking like a 10 and Minecraft getting a 10 just scares me for reviews in the future.

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#4  Edited By MidgardDragon

Lydia. Also just got a dog, haven't had much chance to play around with him since I got Skyward Sword almost immediately after. I have a horse, dog, and Lydia, my favorite's still Lydia but the dog comes a close second.

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#5  Edited By MidgardDragon

So should I get this for PS3? I initially thought this was a 3DS game, but I see that version isn't even out yet and that it doesn't have a release date. My options are PS3 and Wii, the only reason I'd go with the Wii version are if it has something special motion-control-wise or if it has some interconnectivity with the 3DS planned. Thoughts?

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#6  Edited By MidgardDragon

@admachina said:

Just got a 3DS.

Wondering if there are any games on the eShop actually worth getting.

(long live the NDX)

Here's what I have that I feel is worth everyone's time (excluding the Ambassador Program games since you won't have access to those).

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

The Legend of Zelda: Four Sword Anniversary Edition

Super Mario Land

Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins

Kirby's Dream Land

Donkey Kong

Kirby's Adventure: 3D Classic

Xevous: 3D Classic

Twinbee: 3D Classic

Ivy the Kiwi: DSiware

Shantae: Risky's Revenge: DSiware

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#7  Edited By MidgardDragon

Only other thing I can majorly recommend that you didn't mention is Star Fox 64 3D. Other than that there's a few good Game Boy games on the Virtual Console, and if you're interested in playing games in 3D there's 2 or 3 worthwhile 3D Classics. If you got the PS3 or 360 (or PC) Sonic Generations then might as well get the 3DS version to go along with it, though it certainly seems to be a step backwards from both Colors DS and the Sonic Rush series based on reviews.

Super Street Fighter IV 3D isn't half bad if that's you're thing, but it's not for hardcore fighting game fans 'cause if you're one of those I gather you'll get all uppity at the simplified touch screen control *option*. (roll eyes here)

As for those Game Boy games I mentioned, definitely get Kirby's Dream Land, Super Mario Land and Super Mario Land 2, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX, and Kirby's Adventure 3D, that is if you're into old school gaming.

But yeah so far Super Mario Land 3D is the only must have non-remake. Hopefully Nintendo is working on something else now that their major 3DS releases are out, since third parties can never seem to figure out how to properly use Nintendo hardware.

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#8  Edited By MidgardDragon

Nintendo: improved online gameplay and expanding IPs, better third party support. Learned from: Sony and MS.

Sony: less glitz and glamor more quality of gameplay. Finish games before shipping them and relying on patches. Learned from: Nintendo.

Microsoft: fewer FPS's, better variety of games. Learned from: Sony, Nintendo.

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#9  Edited By MidgardDragon

@Catarrhal said:

To quote author Tom Bissell, "I play as a woman because it adds an additional layer of fiction.… I don't play games to feel empowered; I play games to be part of an experience involving characters that I'm not, and [playing as] a woman actually exaggerates that quality of games… but I think a lot of young men play action games for… [a] facile sense of empowerment. And that's lamentable, but it's unavoidable."

Ohhh so much this. Good quote. You are not the character, no matter how much you RP you're still playing SOMEONE ELSE. That is why I hate first person games so much, it makes the games more difficult to enjoy AND it's falsely trying to empower me to "be" in the game. In other words it wants to cast me as the character rather than letting me PLAY the character.

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#10  Edited By MidgardDragon

In response to the thread title: "duh".

The protesters aren't protesting nothing, no matter what talking heads would have you think and no matter what completely idiotic internet whiners would have you think. They might not have a solution but OF COURSE they have a point. A lot of people mistake protesting with the ability to solve the problem. If someone could just come in and solve the problem THEY WOULDN'T NEED TO PROTEST. Luckily more and more people are getting over the "waaaahhh hippies" attitude and starting to "get it". Sadly still a few whiners out there, but their minds will change the more we see these people so peacefully assembled being bullied by the government and corporations. Those that don't change will never get it and likely don't deserve to get anything but a slap upside the head.