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Games to complete.

First off...this is a completion list NOT for any reason...other than that I am an extreme achievement whore, and want every game I ever play to be a S-rank.  That said..these are the ones that vex me the most, as I've put the most time into getting said S-rank
They are in order of my love of the game and drive to actually complete them, from most wanting, to least.
and yes, I could make the list a LOT I only picked the ones that really DO vex me.

List items

  • This one is SOOOOO close to being done. I can't seem to get 7 people to join my friend's list AND be online at the same time for TF2, Killing all the striders without losing a single building in HL2:E2 has proven to be more of a challenge than I was expecting...and Portal challenges for the gold medals are...well....hard. >.>

  • damn you and your FFA multi-player achievements....also, Vidmaster, I hate you.

  • Do you have any idea how hard it is to find 3 people willing to work on Firefights and Vidmaster? I mean, SERIOUSLY...HOW many people play this damn game franchise?

  • Finding people willing to do achievemetns on nazi zombies, and not just diddle themselves while slapping the fire button is harder than I thought it would be. I'm beginning to think that maybe just getting a coherent group of people in general is beyond my ability. I mean, Halo 3, ODST, and now this. >.<

  • Honestly? This game is just damn time consuming. I've been cranking out some serious crap in it...and it's just damn HARD to find the right random events to allow you to get's hard to be a good guy..I LIKE killing everyone sand stealing all their stuff. I stole TWO full sets of power-armor From Brotherhood of steel....which of course I learned later screwed all chances of meeting/joining their order. >.>

  • playing it on hard..and not dying ONCE is a rather challenge...add to it I'm trying to get all the tonics made AND all the audio-logs AT THE SAME TIME (me and my stupid over-achiever ways)..and it's just a VERY time consuming it WILL get done...just slowly. ^^

  • Seriously? the game is fun..and the replay potential is there...but you ahve to play it A MILLION TIMES to get all the achievements...I like getting my money out of games..but when achievements force you to spend 100 odd hours to get them all..that's just ridiculous.

  • Along the same lines as it's first one...though not as bad.

  • I really am NOT a fan of RTS on consoles. I think they require a mouse n' Keyboard to properly be able to play and master. this one is, however, a bit addicting. and it's that addiction that makes me HATE that I can't play it how I'm used to playing RTS's..and thus fail and can't get the achievements that normally I'd get in a breeze on a computer. :P

  • this more my hatred of playing the multi-player for more than 10 minutes. I just can't bring myself to actually go at it to get those 50 wins. Add to that the rather small following that I've found (apparently everyone else hates playing the multi-player as much as I do)so that the few times I DO try to play..I can't find a match....and yeah..those last 3 are gonna take a while. :(

  • Mainly? I hate the It's going to take a while to get them all.

  • the trials are just....retarded. to get them you have to bash your head into a wall, and maybe your genitals into a blender, for hours on end to beat the stupidly retarded and long trials. *eye twitch* one of the few DLC that I actually think are arguments for the banning of DLC. >.>