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I'm officially way back into League and I don't know how I feel about it yet.

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Losing touch

This morning, I read the newspaper and found an article that struck me as funny.  Basically, this article was for moms and dads, and it gave suggestions to them about what to do over the summer with their kids. I was going into this expecting things like "go to a water park, make a slip n' slide, and go play baseball". Instead, the first thing I found (and the thing that subsequently made me stop reading the article) was a paragraph on watching movies.  
I was down with this suggestion. I mean, which kid doesn't like watching some flicks over the summer when it's hot outside? I used to do that, and so did many of my friends. But no. When I further read this paragraph, it said something that I knew would never work. The expert they talked to said that parents should watch a movie with their kids (keep in mind that this was specifically a suggestion for teens), but right before the ending scene, they should turn it off and have their kids write what they think is going to happen, and then turn it on again to see how close they were. I was shocked.  
First off, when I was a teenager (I'm not very far removed from 16, either), if I was watching a cool movie and my parents first shut the movie down right before the ending, and then told me to write about it, I would have laughed in their faces. Which kid wants to do that? I don't see the fun in doing that, and I somehow doubt that other teenagers would, either. In this day and age, it's all about technology, and being with friends. Maybe if the parents had them text it to them... 
Anyway, I thought that this was pretty rediculous, and I wanted to get some of your opinions. So, in Jeff's favorite internet journalism term: 