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#1  Edited By MikeinSC

@Sander said:

MRC!!!!!!!! Holy shit I didn't think you'd be the one to bring them up! I would've bet that any money that you'd try to hide the existence of MRC to your best, but here you are actually calling them to your defence, as some sort of legitimate journalistic source. To those that don't know, MRC is most well known for their CEO's appearance on Fox News, calling President Obama a "skinny ghetto crackhead."

Can you explain the difference in MMFA and MRC --- except MRC isn't run by an admitted liar, hypocrite, and has a tendency towards rather blatant anti-Semitism?

MMFA is best known for being so anti-Semitic that even Alan Dershowitz is calling them out. They are known for opposing gun rights WHILE their head's bodyguards were armed with guns. MMFA is a group that once a conservative gets in the WH will almost assuredly lose their non-profit status as they ceased behaving legally in that regard years ago.

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#2  Edited By MikeinSC

@Sander said:

@MikeinSC said:

@Sander said:

@MikeinSC said:

@Sander said:

@MikeinSC said:

@Sander said:

No Caption Provided

But back in the summer of 2008 when the average U.S. gasoline price hit a record high of $4.11, Fox said that "no President has the power to increase or to lower gas prices" and the only way to reduce our vulnerability to gas price spikes is to use less oil.

tl;dr Evidence #8948592 that Fox News is trash.

MMFA. *chortle*

Couldn't find a real source, eh?

You mean, beyond the youtube link that shows the actual Fox News broadcasts?

Yes, because the You Tube video covers over 100 hours of broadcasting on all channels. Sure.

Try and find somebody competent or respected. MMFA? Get that nonsense out of here. Let the home of the paranoid hypocrite David wallow in its own anti-Semitic and laughable idiocy.

To what end? Are you trying to assert that Fox News doesn't bash/criticize/censure the president far more than any other network?

MSNBC carries the water of the President, as does NBC. People seem to mistake "not being a pathetic lapdog" for being "haters". They treat Obama the way every media group treated Bush.

That's because Fox is the propaganda machine for the conservatives. We don't see the other media groups being even 1/10th as distorted as Fox News, take a look at this report on Holland. I've not seen any other media outlet be as aggressively dishonest. That was some tasty bait wasn't it?

You make claims without evidence behind it. I can point to egregiously false reporting by MSNBC. has a ton of footage of what is reported on actual news broadcasts (no obsession with pundits as MMFA, noted group of anti-Semitic shills that they are) and nail them to the wall. Unlike MMFA, MRC actually reports what happens on news broadcasts.

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#3  Edited By MikeinSC

@Animasta said:

@MikeinSC said:

@PrivateIronTFU said:

lol at MikeinSC claiming the things he's saying are 'facts'.

Feel free to proof otherwise. My stats on what percentage of a state are minority v white are from the US Census Bureau as of 2010. I'm sure you have better info.

congratulations on using one right fact, your parents must be very proud

Again, feel free to prove otherwise.

Or admit you don't know what you're talking about.

It's not a major issue for me either way.

All white people benefit from the sociopolitical environment that lets Zimmerman avoid arrest,

Not that it matters --- but Zimmerman isn't white.

You could say, I'm never sad when the chickens come home to roost. Hope this helps!

Should whites have hurled bricks at the face of random blacks over the Reginald Denny assault? If not, why not? How about gang attacking blacks in Milwaukee for no reason as was done to whites last year repeatedly?

Or is it wrong to condemn entire groups based on the actions of one? Especially if that one is not part of the group you hate (it must be confusing when race is the most important thing in the world to you).

It's not like black on white crime doesn't dwarf white on black crime or anything. Well, according to the FBI anyway, but they are run by "The Man", so you can't trust them, right?

Don't worry. Justifying the murder of others based on assumed wrongs by one group hasn't ever caused problems before. Ignore that whole Rwandan genocide thing and all...

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#4  Edited By MikeinSC

Again, man, it would be nice if ANWR was up producing oil.

Or if federal lands didn't have their oil output drop considerably in the last few years.

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#5  Edited By MikeinSC

@PrivateIronTFU said:

lol at MikeinSC claiming the things he's saying are 'facts'.

Feel free to proof otherwise. My stats on what percentage of a state are minority v white are from the US Census Bureau as of 2010. I'm sure you have better info.

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#6  Edited By MikeinSC

@Morrow said:

@Humanity said:

As long as they have nice boobs that are displayed prominently then I think I can dig it. It's a make flaw I think.

This is a feature unique to males (unfortunately). I sometimes wish I could be all over cock and ignore faces. But I am a face person D: The face and charisma, that makes it for me.

Whoa. Let's not tar all men because furries exist. Furries are creepy little trolls who should be mocked relentlessly. Don't insult men by blaming being male for that idiocy.

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#7  Edited By MikeinSC

@jakob187 said:

I'm ready to see the tanks rolling through the streets, stopping rioters from pulling white truck drivers out of their vehicles and murdering them on the streets, fires burning everywhere, military being called in to enforce curfews...

If you folks don't think it'll happen, I'd like to introduce you to a little thing called The L.A. Riots. Many of you may be too young to actually remember what it was like watching that...or maybe even living in/near it. However, in that case, it was a black guy getting beaten down by cops. This time, you've got a 17-year-old black kid shot to death in cold blood by a racist cocksucker. There is GOING to be some bad shit that comes from this if Zimmerman isn't brought to justice...and that muthafucker needs to pay.

Yeah, there are tons of people that die every day that don't see justice done. That's true. We all know it. However, this is a moment in time where we as a nation can actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! I don't know. That seems like a worthwhile endeavor, to at least say we did SOMETHING to bring justice into the life of one person when we had the opportunity.

So, you oppose "racial" violence by OPENLY advocating racial violence. Great gameplan.

Yeah, let's pull white truckers out of their trucks and blast them in the face with bricks. All whites are guilty the actions of a Hispanic man. OBVIOUSLY.

You're aware that this is specifically what you advocate, right?

I wish the media would be more clear that this isn't a white on black crime case. Does Zimmerman look all that white to you?

They have to pretend he's white to avoid being "racist" or some such nonsense.

Because the race of the shooter --- that is a VITAL aspect of this story to some hustlers.

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#8  Edited By MikeinSC

@Bourbon_Warrior said:

@MikeinSC: Go back to playing your 600+ games on xbox 360 and stop fearing the democrats are gonna take away your precious gun.

Go back to being a fellow game dork and leave the snark for the non-mentally deficient.

Ugh. Again. You are just the absolute worst.

I know. Facts are ugly things, aren't they? If you're going to criticize somebody for making it "political", perhaps you should target the people who made it political.

Oh look, it's MikeinSuckCentral.

Seriously, is this best you can do?

it really needs to work out if it wants to be anywhere as good as my old state, Iowa.

Easy to have no major race problems when there are virtually no minorities in your state. 91.3% white. 2.9% black. Please, lecture us more on handling race relations.

My state? Blacks are about 27.9%. See, we actually HAVE minorities here.

I swear though, Florida is filled with a lot of black people that would love to destroy this guy so even if the justice system doesn't get him, someone on the street certainly will.

Vigilante justice. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?

Thanks for understanding, honestly though I didn't think anybody took the mainstream media seriously except for people on the Left.

There. Made your statement accurate for you.

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#9  Edited By MikeinSC

@Sander said:

@MikeinSC said:

@Sander said:

@MikeinSC said:

@Sander said:

No Caption Provided

But back in the summer of 2008 when the average U.S. gasoline price hit a record high of $4.11, Fox said that "no President has the power to increase or to lower gas prices" and the only way to reduce our vulnerability to gas price spikes is to use less oil.

tl;dr Evidence #8948592 that Fox News is trash.

MMFA. *chortle*

Couldn't find a real source, eh?

You mean, beyond the youtube link that shows the actual Fox News broadcasts?

Yes, because the You Tube video covers over 100 hours of broadcasting on all channels. Sure.

Try and find somebody competent or respected. MMFA? Get that nonsense out of here. Let the home of the paranoid hypocrite David wallow in its own anti-Semitic and laughable idiocy.

To what end? Are you trying to assert that Fox News doesn't bash/criticize/censure the president far more than any other network?

MSNBC carries the water of the President, as does NBC. People seem to mistake "not being a pathetic lapdog" for being "haters". They treat Obama the way every media group treated Bush.

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#10  Edited By MikeinSC

@Stephen_Von_Cloud said:

@MikeinSC said:

@Stephen_Von_Cloud said:

Makes me sick this is becoming political. Newt Gingrich is the WORST.

Newt made it "political"? It wasn't, say, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson doing that? Given that it, literally, is all they can do.

By attacking the president for identifying with his race? Yeah. To me that's wrong. I'm not a Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson fan (and didn't bring them up), so I don't get your point. Just because they do something wrong doesn't mean it's okay for Gingrich to, and in this case I object much more to Gingrich.

So, again, two guys make it political ---- but it's not THEIR fault it became political. Intriguing.