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it is war! 0

Alfred ran as fast as he could. "The ship is seen on the horizon" his friend told him and after this the whole town was in tumult. "AH! Finally the ship" said the old lady on the market place cause she dearly needed some new fabric from "fabric town" in the south. "Alfred! Here have some money and buy some spices. This is the ship from Fabric Town there must be at least 25 t on the ship". "Dear boy!" said Alfreds neighbor "Pleas look for me if there is any jewellery in the ships cargo, cause I ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Infıdels attacking! 0

"Infidels are attacking oh Caliph! And they are led by the famous Christian Crusader. Richard Lionheart!""Nooo!" the cup of the kalif flew through the dark room and the content of it spilled on the floor. The ice water formed a growing small lake but steam rose quickly as the water evaporated in the unforgiving summer sun."General what shall we do?""Oh great Caliph! It would give the troop great courage if you were to show up on the battlements. All other preparations are made. The archer are a...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Captain Morgan! 0

Captain Morgan is standing on his new frigate, because the "Pirate King" has ordered him to go on plunder in a heavy guarded Spanish region, the "caribbean islands". After the last man has fulfilled his gambling pleasure in the casino and the first mate finally came from the brothel , the sails could be set and the journey began. As Captain Morgan anticipated (not feared because what would a pirate be if he felt fear!) the journey was rather difficult and after 10 days on sea with only the never...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Captain Morgan! 0

Captain Morgan is standing on his new frigate, because the "Pirate King" has ordered him to go on plunder in a heavy guarded Spanish region, the "caribbean islands". After the last man has fulfilled his gambling pleasure in the casino and the first mate finally came from the brothel , the sails could be set and the journey began. As Captain Morgan anticipated (not feared because what would a pirate be if he felt fear!) the journey was rather difficult and after 10 days on sea with only the never...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

crazy wolves 0

After hard work the lord could finally take a walk on the newly constructed palisade. And it was a joy, because behind the palisade were strange beasts. Many woodcutters did not return from their quick routes into the wood to collect the needed wood for the palisade. About half a dozen bowman were trained in the last days and one of them was running towards the Lord. As he stopped to sentences left his mouth. "Sire the wolfs are lazily laying behind our palisade! Finally we are safe sire!"The r...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.