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Battlefield Bad Company: 1hour thoughts

I  stopped at blockbuster to pick up battlefield bad company for the X360 but they didn't have one, what they did have? The PS3 version. I got home, popped the disk in and a surprisingly fast install. So now i go through the menus and finally start the game. I noticed a few things 1) Great voice acting 2) Great animations 3) Great graphics, that's what i want to see in a game right away. So i go through the tutorial, and it gets you right into the action. The sound is amazing. If you thought Call of Duty 4 had the best whizzing-by-you-bullets sounds you haven't played this game yet. As i got to the 30 minute mark of gameplay there would be no stop action. I'm talking mortars being shot at you, tanks plowing down buildings, and also the voices of the other characters.

I do have to say, this game has me hooked.   


First Blog Post (What to see in the future)

Hey Guys!

This is my first blog post at Giant Bomb Dot Com, so i want some comments on what you want in my blog (daily pixs, daily comics, daily anything! etc.)
also any feedback on what im doing will be taken into consideration so yeah lets get started.

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