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@humanity said:

These streams are really getting me itchy to play this game but I want to get it on PC instead.. the wait..

What's the word on a PC release? I'm in the same boat.

Unfortunately they only announced a Fall release window. I just borrowed my friend's PS4 because there is no way I can wait that long.

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Edited By MiniPato

I remember playing Metal Gear 1 on MGS3 Subsistence and not caring for it at all. The directions people give you seem clear enough, but actually getting around and finding where you need to go were obtuse. Outside of the keycard shit, there's a lot of questionable design decisions. For example, you would think because a fucking rocket launcher doesn't work on the helicopter, you need to find another way. You wouldn't think a grenade would make a difference. But nope, inexplicably the grenade launcher works but the rocket launcher doesn't.

I remember having a much better time with Metal Gear 2.

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That painting sweatshop is hilarious. Nothing like min-maxing life.

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@csl316 said:
@venoplonk said:

@csl316: Monster Hunter is much much more than a 40-hour game it can be hundreds of hours

Hundreds of hours? Noooo, thank you. Okami wins!

Hundreds of hours in the same way that Diablo 3 can last you hundreds of hours if you really want to get into it.

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Edited By MiniPato

@razgriz_one said:

I wish I could get some time with the GB crew to show them what Monster Hunter World is all about. This is not a Dynasty Warriors situation, Monster Hunter has more to it then just being a fun time killer with a friend split screen. Thankfully Brad seems to be into it and I think this will be the one to grab him.

But seriously, if you want what Monster Hunter is articulated in a way that makes sense, I got you. Short form it is 3rd person slasher Destiny with weapons that are akin to characters in a street fighter game, more content, more depth, and better coop. The things it does right are far more specific though and must be experienced.

On the subject of Metal Gear Survive, I really enjoyed it, but the way the game will evolve is in question. Some depth showed its head after an hour or two of experimenting with it, but I just can't tell if it will be worth it until it comes out. The fact that the co-op seems secondary to the game also is a bummer. Monster Hunter on the other hand I know is going to be great.

Yeah Monster Hunter is like a 3D Punch Out where you gotta learn the monster moves and patterns and each weapon is a fighting game character since they all play differently.

As satisfying as the hammer might be when playing, it doesn't really look that satisfying when you're hammering away on anything other than the head.

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Edited By MiniPato

Jason sounds like he's having really rough sex when he plays Monster Hunter along with the exhausted afterglow.

Should have showed off the new light bowgun. It's basically Vanquish with you shooting and sliding and dodging. Or the heavy bowgun where you're straight dumping bullets. I think those would have gotten Jeff on board..

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Just jumping in here to say that anyone on the fence about picking up the game should definitely go ahead and buy it. I bought it after watching the video and played 16 hours over the long weekend. It's tough and I'm not especially good at this style of games but I'm still having an absolute blast.

Is there an ending to this game? Like a story mode and different scenarios? I'm not a particular fan of endless horde modes.

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Edited By MiniPato

@dinosaurcanada said:
@ttcfcl said:

Watching a recent trailer, it clicked with me that this game is State Of Decay w/ Coop in the Fox Engine. Instantly shot to the top of my "looking forward to" list since I love State of Decay, and wish it had coop, and think MGS5 has some of the best gameplay in the last decade.

Same. But with State of Decay 2 coming out pretty soon here I don't feel like I need two of these kinds of games in my life. Plus the idea of trudging up MGS for this, come on man

Plus it has hunger and thirst meters which seems to kill these types of survival games in co-op for me. I tried playing Don't Starve Together, but it was short lived because it's difficult to maintain the hunger and thirst of four people unless you fudge with the world seed. I can survive just fine solo though. These types of meter management survival games seem to have died with No Man's Sky.

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Edited By MiniPato

@delitist said:

With the recent news of this game having both microtransactions and being forced-online all the time, in addition to everything we already know about this, it just keeps looking better and better. Definitely preordering this one.

@kishinfoulux said:

Let's see how many people hate on this irrationally, because of Konami.

Yeah man. Not like it has things everyone fuckin hates nowadays, like microtransactions and forced-online single player mode. Not like there's not a million boring-ass survival/crafting games that feature most of these exact mechanics. Not like it's boring, generic looking shit made on the name of a belovedly innovative and fantastic staple of video games since the fucking late 90s and PS1.

Nope, they just hate it irrationally because "Konami". I mean it's even a survival game with zombies! How original and fresh!

MGSV also had micro transactions and required online integration with the single player campaign for the FOB mode. We're seeing more and more games these days "require" a constant internet connection in the same way Dark Souls would. Whether "requiring a constant connection" means the game blocks you from playing it at all offline remains to be seen.

Don't get me wrong, I did not like it in MGSV either. I hated being put at risk of having my base invaded and it sucks that you are forced into this online mode in order to build additional bases and speed up your research and resource gathering rate. But let's not act like MGS Survive is the first game to do these things in the series.

If there is a competitive aspect to it like DayZ or Rust, microtransactions become a huge issue. But if it's strictly co-op, then I can see them being generally inoffensive.

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Edited By MiniPato

You could feel Jeff's "Man, fuck this!" aura when Brad started mentioning hunger, thirst, and a dozen different ailments and injuries you have to cure with specific remedies you have to craft.

Looks interesting I'll say. The Metal Gear name seems to hinder more than it helps though. If they're just gonna go into an alternate dimension with its own jargon, I'd rather they make a completely new IP with a unique world with unique enemies rather than this weird conceit with crystal military zombies and crystal metal gear monsters. Plus it only pisses off MGS fans.