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Best of 2008

MormonWarrior: Best of 2008

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  • I have always loved the MGS series in spite of its gameplay problems. There didn't need to be any such excuses for MGS4 - it's gorgeous, it has a great story, and it has amazing gameplay start to finish. These are the best setpieces I have seen in a game ever. Absolutely amazing - a masterpiece from start to finish. And one of the biggest reasons why I HATE that I don't have a PS3.

  • As great as the original Gears was, Gears 2 is just way more awesome. It never lets up - the gameplay is tight and perfectly crafted, the campaign just keeps it coming, and it's even more enjoyable with a friend. Plus, how many other games do you cut through a disgustingly huge bloody worm with chainsaws? Oh, the Horde mode is great, and I feel it's the best shooter this generation. Period.

  • The original was groundbreaking, and Rock Band 2 simply solidified the amazing groundwork. The lasting value is telling - the Rock Band store just keeps delivering. They could have kept it going forever, really.

  • Creepy. Disturbing. Disgusting. Gripping. Horrifying. Just a handful of the adjectives that can be used to describe this very well-designed shooter. Although I must admit, I was ready to be done with it an hour before it actually wrapped up. Blame it on bad pacing near the end.

  • I feel like this game is one of the best downloadable games available. It really reinvigorates brawler gameplay by adding RPG elements and fantastic multiplayer. I didn't think I'd like it as much as I did, but it's amazing.

  • So much fun on so many levels. Great multiplayer (though no split-screen - sad!) and fantastic crashes. It's fun to just screw around, too, which is just what I like in a racing game.

  • The perfect arcade-style game. Great pick up and play and just plain addicting.

  • It's neat and clever, though not quite the masterpiece people make it out to be. It's not that cool of a story or whatever...and just because it's made by one person doesn't somehow make it better. Anyway. I like it.

  • It was a long time coming, and I find it mostly disappointing in many ways, but it's still the perfect multiplayer game for me and my friends.

  • To be totally honest, I would've liked this game more if it was a Mario Galaxy fact, done right, it would've been one of my favorite games ever. However, Nuts & Bolts is charming and super creative, and totally unique. It's worth checking out, even if it doesn't give you a lot of direction at first.