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#1  Edited By mr_ace

Good. Give your money to DICE, not gamestop. Paying them's not going to make games better

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#2  Edited By mr_ace

@iDarktread: i know right, why the fuck EA can't do that blows my mind. If they want to try and take down steam, then they need to cut out bullshit like that. I had to use professor_ace as my origin id, because every fucking mr_ace combination under the sun was taken...

@TheKeyboardDemon: that's because i got it first

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#3  Edited By mr_ace

that base jump level is such a cool idea

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#4  Edited By mr_ace


perhaps in these previous betas, after feedback from the beta they decided to decrease weapon damage, that's understandable. But to intentionally make the guns do more damage in the beta just to quicken levelling? That's completely retarded. Why would they not just decrease the number of points required for unlocks if they want people to unlock things faster? There is no way in hell DICE would do what you say, and if you can give me any evidence to suggest this is true, i'll eat all the hats in the world. NOT TO MNETION the fact that in the tweets that you seem to be incapable of reading, he has clearly stated that the damage in the beta is the exact same as it will be in the final release.

Increasing the gun damage for such an arbitrary reason would disrupt the balance of everything in the game, not to mention the reasons mentioned above. So basically, there's no way in hell you're correct. Sorry.

And the original discussion was about that joystick guy saying that the damage model has been altered to be more like BC2 for the final release of the game, not after that

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#5  Edited By mr_ace

@SeriouslyNow said:

@mr_ace: You can't read very well. I said that they intentionally increase damage during the betas to speed the levelling process and that it's likely to be toned down in the release from how it was during the beta. None of what you quoted defies what I said, nor does it change the fact that weapons will still likely be balanced further as the game goes along. Keep crying though, I'm sure it's really making a difference.

@SeriouslyNow: yes, i heard you, and then i responded. can you read? i'll repeat myself: There's no way DICE would increase damage during the beta just for the sake of increasing the levelling rate as it would make the beta pointless as it would break the game and make balance changes obselete. And yes, everything I said defies what you said, you just don't seem to be able to understand it...

And yes, I'm sure DICE will continue to balance guns over the course of the games life, though that's not relevant to the original discussion...

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#6  Edited By mr_ace

my problem wasn't changing my origin ID, it was actually trying to find one that hasn't been taken allready, whihc is stupidly hard. I'm sure this will be handy though, cheers

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#8  Edited By mr_ace

@SeriouslyNow: Did you read my reply at all? The writer of the blog and the points he focused on are irrelevant, and if you consider direct quotes from the gameplay designer at DICE to be "poorly referenced," I'm not quite sure what would satisfy you other than having the whole DICE dev team come round to your house and assure you... If you're referring to Kertz referencing bolt action rifles and the UMP in his twitter, then no, he makes reference to numerous guns, and the damage system overall.

I just pasted that link in as a concise summary of some of the more important points Kertz made in his twitter, but obviously that was too difficult, so here's some direct quotes relating to damage...

QUESTION: So just to clarify, the damage model is the same as the beta (aside from any weapon balance changes)?

KURTZ: Yes, base damage is the same, some weapon balance tweaks, and some bug fixes.

QUESTION: Can u clarify damage changes? Ex. is it still possible to kill 2-4 w/ 1 M16 mag? This is much better than BC2, 1 mag per kill. Tks

kURTZ: Theres been a bug fix, but the base damage remains the same. Bug could cause damage spikes.

QUESTION: still really sorry to bother you, but i'm liking the bullet damage in beta it's not been changed apart from the 1hit kill bug yes?

KURTZ: Correct, a bug has been fixed and some weapons have been balanced, but the core is intact.

SO basically, the only difference in damage is that the fixed the bug that sometimes caused you to take more damage while you were running.

Also of interest from his twitter is that the semi auto snipers now only kill in 2 shots at close range, so you will now need 3 shots at medium to long range and the UMP damage has been slightly nerfed, but not by much.

@Beaudacious: The TTK hasn't been dumbed down, it feels very similar to BF2, and is apparently almost identical to the damage model of 2142, which i believe had the lowest TTK in the series

Here's a link to his twitter, it's a pretty interesting read:!/Demize99@SeriouslyNow said:

@clstirens said:

@SeriouslyNow: If anything, I think that Arther Gies (for as cool as he is) is mistaken that the damage model is different. Rather, I bet he's RIGHT, because the beta he played is a lot more up to date in regards to stability and netcode. In BF3 beta, I would sometimes take quite a few shots before being killed, so I actually had a chance to retaliate, but often my health would drop in sharp chunks, or just go %100 to %0 outright. So it's not that the damage model is different, it's that he was playing a better version altogether.

Just for clarity, I doubt it was my connection, as I don't experience this problem on any other game (or battlefield game), and I'm rocking a decent 20Mb/s down, 5Mb/s up connection

He is right but I can guarantee that the damage will be toned down, as someone who has beta tested three DICE games that has been my experience with all of them; they always have higher damage to give more kils and thus more XP so more people can try out more unlockables.

that's insane logic, half the point of a beta is to test balance, if they bump up the damage of all the guns just for the beta that would completely break the game. If they wanted people to unlock more, then they'd just reduced the number of points required to get the unlocks, there's no way they'd intentionally reduce the damage for the sake of levelling up faster...

@clstirens: I would straight up say he's just wrong, I can't see slightly more stable net code and a few bug fixes changing the feel of the damage that significantly. Regarding your health, i suspect the rate at which people are shooting you online is just too fast for the server to respnd and accurately update your health bar, so it's not a bug that it's dropping instantly to zero, it's simply that in a fraction of a second, you've been dealt a hundred damage and rather than your health updating for every bullet, it updates for the various bullets that hit you. Or perhaps, the damage was getting muliplyed by that bug

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#9  Edited By mr_ace

@SeriouslyNow: or perhaps the fact that that article directly links to twitter comments from Alan Kertz the gameplay designer at DICE stating exactly that makes it firmly in fact territory?

Direct quote in response to someone asking "So just to clarify, the damage model is the same as the beta (aside from any weapon balance changes)?" to which Kertz replied: "yes, base damage is the same, some weapon balance tweaks, and some bug fixes." There are other similar quotes from him about weapon damage. I suggest you read them...

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#10  Edited By mr_ace