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I just went with Ann's suggestion of 'The Diamonds'. I didn't want to spend forever on a team name like I did the protagonist's, and The Diamonds isn't terrible.

Everyone actually commented on it too, after I went with her suggestion. Which was a neat touch!

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#2  Edited By MrEID

Thank you, bombers!  I really don't know what to say!
I was expecting a few more suggestions, but wow! You've all given me loads to go on! Games I haven't heard of, books, websites, interviews, new ideas... 
Seriously duders. Thank you all so much. You've all given me a lot to think about with this report, and I think it could be good!
Now, Facade is downloading and Alpha Protocol awaits my attention on my desk. Time to do some research!

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#3  Edited By MrEID

Good evening, duders. 
For my final year of university, I'm supposed to write a dissertation on some aspect of modern storytelling. (It's a rather broad topic, isn't it?)
Now, being an avid gamer as well as an avid reader, one of the ideas I've been kicking around is doing my dissertation on interactive fiction. Looking at 'Choose Your Own Adventure' books, possibly roleplaying, D&D and the like. And of course, video games.
My hope is, if I do this, that I'd be able to use examples to highlight the kind of impact that player immersion can have on a storytelling experience, such as the events on Virmire in the original Mass Effect, and also the limitations of narrative that hinder true interaction. For instance, in Fallout New Vegas,

I'd also like to try and get a few thoughts on the subject from the people behind these games.
Which brings me to the point of this post! I'm hoping my fellow Giant Bombers might be able to point out a few shining examples I might have missed? I'm thinking of revisiting the Mass Effects, the Fallout games, Heavy Rain and possibly LA Noire, and contacting Bethesda, Bioware, Obsidian and Quantic Dream. 
Are there any other games you can think of that I should take a look at? Any other developers you think would be worth contacting? (I realise it's probably quite unlikely I'll get to interview the likes of Bioware and Bethesda, after all.)
And for the purposes of more general discussion, are there any other moments in a video game you can call to mind that highlight either the possibilities or the pitfalls of including you, the player, in actually telling a story? A decision that really gave you pause? A moment where you altered your game world irrevocably? Or a moment of 'player choice' that was just really disappointing in hindsight?
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#4  Edited By MrEID

I rarely get excited about anime anymore. But man, this looks really good. I'm loving the artwork and the soundtrack so far!

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#5  Edited By MrEID

I actually think that we'll open the game playing as Robin, as a tutorial character. 
Since Batman enters the game as the same tooled up badass he'd become at the end of Arkham Asylum, gadgets and all, it wouldn't make much sense to have him re-learn how to use them all. So, for those who didn't play the first game; Robin. He'll enter Arkham City, attempt to apprehend one of the villains, only to get captured at the end. Enter Batman, whose first task is to save Robin and send him home.

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#6  Edited By MrEID

It was a toss up between two for me.
I really hated Roy Earle, because the game makes you hate Roy. He's such a sleazy, two-faced ass. And a lot of his actions

leave him rather irredeemable. It's the mark of a well written character, and I love to hate the guy.
That said, my first choice is somewhat hypocritical, given he has by far the least personality out of all of Cole's partners. I voted for Brokowski. I wish I could explain why, but I don't really have a compelling reason. There's just something about Stefan that I liked over the rest of the cast. Perhaps because he's not given much in the way character; he just seems like a regular, everyday guy as opposed to Rusty's grizzled veteran, Bigg's lone wolf, or Roy's smugness.
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#7  Edited By MrEID

I did check Ebay. Some people are trying to sell the codes for as much as the game itself. It's ridiculous. o.O
Thank you all! It's actually quite a relief to know that I'm not going to miss out on Reptile's pre-order stuff. Plenty of stuff to unlock in the krypt in the meantime!

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#8  Edited By MrEID

Being a starving student, I was forced to choose between this and Portal 2 on release day. I chose the latter. (Don't regret it, Portal 2 is a fantastic game.)
But a friend of mine recently mentioned the pre-order bonuses, which I thought were just costumes, also came with fatalities. So now I'm pretty gutted about having missed out on something more substantial for one of my favourite characters.
So, my question is, have there been any announcements about making the pre-order stuff available as DLC later on?

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#9  Edited By MrEID

You are a very generous dude, to be doing this.
I'd like to participate for this one, if I may.

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#10  Edited By MrEID

How are endings unlocked in the gallery? I know you see one after facing the final boss in Arcade mode, but is it just the one? Are the rest of your teams endings unlocked as well, or does every single character need to strike a killing blow on the boss?

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