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2012 Games Most Looking Forward To

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  • Played the first Mass Effect in only a few sittings as I was so engrossed in the story. Played the second ME and gave up after an hour. Then I upgraded from a 27" SD TV to a 42" HDTV and gave it a second chance, which ended up with me absolutely loving it. To be able to finish the story and possibly play some co-op, this game has me so pumped.

  • The first Bio Shock was my favorite game 2007. Never played the second one, even though I bought it the day it came out, in fact I'm looking at the Collector's Edition box at this moment. Still looking forward to this one though as it looks incredible.

  • I played a little of the first SSX and some multiplayer of SSX3 a couple of months ago with my friend. While I'm disappointed that there is no split screen so I can't play the new one with her, just watching the videos of the game has me so pumped. Add in the fact that they added a Skate type control option and I can say that I'm truly excited since I never was a fan of the button controls.

  • Rich Gallup don't fail me now!!!

  • The game, and so far the only game, that will make me get the PS Vita. Played the original, watched the endurance run (twice) and have been trying my best to not just bust out my PS2 to play it again just so I can enjoy the new version of it. Hopefully it comes out this year.

  • Loved the first two Max Payne games. As long as it's anything like those, I'm sure I'll love it.

  • Really like the brutal look of this game. Hopefully it lives up to what was shown, with a lot less quick time events.

  • A Suda51 game with a hot girl as the main character that kills a lot of things? Sounds kinda familiar, which makes me rather happy.

  • Not sure how this one will turn out, but I'm interested in the concept. Hopefully the game itself has enough to keep you wanting to play, because without leveling there doesn't seem much to work towards.

  • A Persona 4 fighting game from the guys that made Guilty Gear? Sign me up, and I'm not even the biggest fighting game fan.