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OwO Pokemon Bank finally arrived! The Celebi you get seems to have you as it OT. <3 This!

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Techno Flavored Soda: The 6th Can

Actually caught Papa Vinny's Pizza party live last night from start to finish. We normally catch the live shows right as they go off, so it was a treat to be able to be part of the live stream from when it started for once.

I was also making mini pizza's from scratch as it started, so we technically joined in with the pizza party. Though, the pizza they were eating looked yummyier. Sure less healthy, but man did it look good!

It made me think just how hard it is to find good cheap pizza here in Savannah. I'm sure there must be some little off the beaten path place that we haven't tried yet with AMAZING pizza for cheap but...until I find it no dice.

Living in Savannah is crazy honestly. I've lived in very few places in my life, but the experiences I do have pretty much all red flag my mind that the city when built didn't take cars into account. At all.

The streets of the old part of town are just big enough for a horse and carriage, lined on both sides with ether palm trees or weeping willows (or some sort of hanging try any way). For someone like me who has a phobia of being/driving a car it's a....claustrophobic experience.

Though it was worth it all to eat Chipotle again without having to fly back out to San Deigo.

Course Mitsuwa Marketplace and In and Out burger would totally be worth that flight again hahaha.

Anywho! All in all though it was a fun night yesterday. Praying that Vinny and his family have a safe trip, and that the move doesn't stress them out to much. Looking forward to see how Giant Bomb East represents in the future...since being part of the east coast I guess we would be part of.

You know what would be fun? A GB South East. Southern gamers are a breed all their own (I should know since I am one.).

Anywho! Till next time!

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